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A web·guide to the glocal environment



Joshua Wine

of Brandeis University developed this page in 2017.

New Zealand

General information

New Zealand Environmental Politics Website Directory

Environmental Information

Ozone Depletion and Protection

Stats of New Zealand Consumption

Fishery Management Review

How Clean is New Zealand?

Values Party

     · first national level environmentalist party

Land care Research

Natural Resource Management

Tussocks Grasslands

News Sources

New Zealand Herald's Environmental Section

Government information

     ·     New Zealand Foreign Affairs and Trade Role

     ·     Hazardous Waste Imports and Exports

     ·     Exporting Electronic Waste

     ·     The Convention on Biological Diversity

     ·     International Climate Change Policies

Government agencies

     ·     Ministry for the Environment

     ·     Directory of Environmental Governmental Agencies

     ·     Environmental Protection Authority

     ·     Maritime New Zealand


New Zealand Centre for Environmental Law

QEII National Trust

Environmental initiatives

Cooperation with China

Cooperation with Chile

Forests and Biodiversity Convention (PDF)

New Zealand's Role in the CBD

Sustainable New Zealand

Biodiversity conservation & invasive species management

South West New Zealand Endangered Species Charitable Trust (Coal Island Trust)

Predator Free 2050

Predator Free Wellington

Climate change

Climate Change Effects

Projections of Climate Change in NZ

New Zealand Climate Science Coalition

     · From Wikipedia: "The New Zealand Climate Science Coalition was a climate change denial organisation

     in New Zealand, formed in 2006 with aim of "refuting what it believes were unfounded claims about

     anthropogenic global warming".[1] The Coalition came to prominence in 2010 when it challenged the

     methodology and accuracy of NIWA's historical temperature records in court. The Coalition lost the case,

     could not afford to pay costs awarded against it and was forced into liquidation. There is an unrelated

     website called the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition which is an American blog also written by

     climate change deniers. The American website links to a different URL to the original URL associated with

     the New Zealand website which no longer exists."


Reconnecting Northland

Zealandia Ecosanctuary

Also see:

     · Oceania page

       · Country data sources page