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A web·guide to the glocal environment



General information 

CIA World Fact Book Entry on Russia 

Russian Federation Information @ OECD

Russia Maps

Environmental information

Russia Geography and Climate @ Encyclopedia Britannica

Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring of Russia

Government agencies

Russian Federation Main Government Site

Russian Academy of Science

National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE)

     Institute of Natural Resource Economics and Environmental Policy


International organizations

Russian Federation @ United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Russia @ United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

Russia @ United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)

Russia 2020 Sustainable Development Goals Link


Nongovernmental organizations

Bellona Foundation

     · “aims to meet and fight the climate challenges, by identifying and implementing sustainable environmental solutions.”

Friends of the Earth International (FOEI) - Russia 

Russian National Agency for Energy Saving and Renewable Energy

     · This page does not have an English translation however, the Wikipedia is here

Russian Social Ecological Union

     · Publishes articles on climate change, energy, and environmental policy.

     · “This site is intended for support of interaction of members of the Russian Socio-Ecological Union

       and their partners in activities on nature protection and participation in forming the national

       environmental policy.”

Greenpeace Russia Page


Energy and industry

Long-Term Energy Strategy of Russia

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Assessment of Environmental Impact from Oil and Gas Industries in Russia

International Energy Agency (IEA) - Russia Information Page

International Energy Agency (IEA) - Energy Policies Beyond IEA Countries: Russia 2014

"Russian approaches to energy security and climate change"


Climate change

Russia Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under UNFCCC

Russia @ Climate Home News

Climate Doctrine of the Russian Federation

Climate Policy Observer - Russian Federation Country Profile


Select readings on media coverage of climate change in Russia

Media coverage of climate change in Russia: Governmental bias and climate silence

     · 2014 ~ Mariana Pobrezhskaya ~ SAGE Journals

     · “explores which actors and factors influence media coverage of climate change in Russia” through the analysis of five Russian newspapers

Environmental Journalism in Russia and Bringing Climate Change Reporting to Russia

    · Chapters 21 + 22 of Routledge Handbook of Environmental Journalism - 1st Edition

    · 2020 ~ An gelina Davydova

    · “As a scholarly and journalistic work written by academics and the environmental reporters

       themselves, this volume is an essential text for students and scholars of environmental

       communication, journalism, and global environmental issues more generally, as well as

       professionals working in this vital area.”

Measuring and modeling Russian newspaper coverage of climate change

    · 2016 ~ Constantine Boussalis, Travis G. Coan, Mariana Pobrezhskaya ~ Science Direct

    · “offers a comprehensive investigation of newspaper coverage on climate change in Russia” since the Yeltsin era.

Climate Change Communication in Russia

     · 2017 ~ Dmitry Yagodin ~ Oxford Research Publication of Climate Science

     · “reviews the development of climate change communication as practice and as a field of

       academic research in Russia...the article splits the discussion into two parts—the realities of

       communication in climate politics and environmental communication”

Communicating Climate Change in Russia: State and Propaganda - 1st Edition

     · 2016 ~ Mar iana Pobrezhskaya ~ Routledge

     · “discusses how the state and economic elites have influenced Russia's environmental communication,

       with the state's control of the media strengthening since Putin came to power, and with control being

       exercised in some cases by ignoring or silencing the key issues.”

Policy implications of climate change denial: Content analysis of Russian national and regional news media

     · 2021 ~ Dmitry Yagodin ~ International Political Science Review

     · “As the country generally lacks substantial climate policy initiatives, the focus of this study is on

       the symbolic policy reactions operationalized as the media coverage of climate change at the

       national and regional levels in Russia during 2017–2018.”


Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation

World Bank Report - Sustainable Urban Transport in Russia

     · This link is a 2012 framework for improving national urban transit models

Oceans & marine

Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of Sciences


World Bank Report on Biodiversity Conservation in the Russian Federation

     · This report while extensive, was published in 1997

Biodiversity Conservation Center (BCC) of Northern Eurasia

Pleistocene Park

World Wildlife Fund (WWF) - Russia Page

Wildlife Conservation Society Russia

Lake Baikal

Baikal Watch

Cooper Gottfried, Leeza Barstein, and Aaron Pins of Brandeis University developed this page in 2022, 2021 & 2018 respectively.


Contents of this page:

     · General information

       · Environmental information

         · Government agencies

           · International organizations

             · NGOs

               · Energy & industry

                 · Climate change

                   · Select readings on media coverage of climate change in Russia

                     · Transportation

                       · Oceans & marine

                         ·  Biodiversity

                            · Lake Baikal

Also see:

   · Country data sources

     · Europe

       · Baltic Sea @ European transboundary regions