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A web·guide to the glocal environment



Sophie Campbell & Sara Hessdorf of Brandeis University contributed to this page in 2022 & 2019 respectively.

General information

Voluntary National Review (UN)

      · “Rwanda is part of the 2019 Voluntary National Review of the

        High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.”

State of Environment Outlook Report 2017

      ·  Summarizes current state of environment and future plans, as of 2017

Environment Statistics 2018

News and Strategies

New Times




The Rwandan

      · Major Rwandan newspaper; no environment section, but a Great Lakes section with strong coverage of natural resource issues.

Institutions ~ Government

Republic of Rwanda

Rwanda Environmental Management Authority

Rwanda Development Board

Ministry of Infrastructure

Institutions ~ Nongovernmental organizations

RECOR (Rwandan Environmenal Conservation Organization)

Rwanda Environment Awareness Organization

Rwanda Wildlife Conservation Association

Solar Energy

Rwanda Energy Group

Solar powered charging stations


Rwanda Green Fund (FONERWA)

      · Mission: to provide technical and financial support to projects that reinforce Rwanda’s commitment to a green economy

Rwanda @ Global Green Growth Insititute

      · Helping development of Green Cities in Rwanda

Climate change

Climate Change Risk Profile

Vulnerability to Climate Effects  


Rwanda @ Fauna & Flora International

Rwanda @ Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN)

Clean water initiatives

WaterAid Rwanda

Water for People

Agriculture & food

Soil Survey of Rwanda

Statistics of Rwandan Land and Agricultural Production

Rwanda Food Policy Report

Food Sustainability Initiative


Also see:

   · Africa page

    · Country data sources page