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A web·guide to the glocal environment



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Contents of this page:

     · General information & geography

       · News & periodicals

         · International agreements

           · Institutions

                  ~ International organizations

                  ~ Government information and agencies

                  ~ Nongovernmental organizations

                  ~ Private sector

               · Environmental law

                · Environmental initiatives

                  · Sustainability

                    · Transportation

                      · Climate change

                        · Stratospheric ozone depletion

                          · Biodiversity

Also see:

     · Country data sources

       · Middle East

General information & geography

CIA Fact Book entry on Saudi Arabia 

World Bank Open Data

Current Weather


News & periodicals

Eye of Riyadh  

Arab News

The Guardian

Saudi Gazette

International Agreements

List of Saudi Arabia’s participation in international environmental agreements

Institutions ~ International organizations

World Bank 2022 Economic update

Saudi Arabia @ IUCN

Institutions ~ Government information and agencies

Saudi National Unified Portal

     Safety and environment

Saudi Arabia Vision 2030

Saudi & Middle East Green Initiatives (SGI)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ministry of Environment Water & Agriculture

Ministry of Economy & Planning

     Sustainable development


Institutions ~ Private sector

Saudi Aramco- Government Oil Company

Saudi Electric Company

Environmental law

General Environmental Regulations & Rules for Implementation 

Bureau of Experts at the Council of Ministers  

Environmental Lawyers and Firms in Saudi Arabia

Environmental initiatives

SABIC- Group of Industry Partners with sustainability goals

Saudi Gulf Environmental Protection  Company

Protected Marine Locations


Saudi Arabia Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainability Commitment

Sustainability Development Goals


Sustainable Road and Transport Management

Transport Ministry

Climate change

Climate Change Performance Index

Saudi Arabia's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)

Clean Development Mechanism Designated National Authority

Saudi Arabia @ Climate Action Tracker

Stratospheric ozone depletion

Ozone Balances in Urban Saudi Arabia

Ozone analysis over the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 

Consumption of Hydrofluorocarbons Data

Evaluation of ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon monoxide at nine sites in Saudi Arabia  during 2007. 


First Saudi Arabian National Report on the Convention on Biological Diversity

Saudi Arabia @ Convention on Biological Diversity

Saudi Wildlife Authority

Biodiversity Protection Area

Tahilla Oami (2024) and Elijah Sinclair (2018) of Brandeis University contrbuted to this page.

Saudi Arabia