
A web·guide to the glocal environment



South Korea

Also see the Country data sources page.

General environmental, demographic & geographic information 

South Korea: Environmental Issues, Policies and Clean Technology

South Korea Environment Stats

Sustainable Governance Indicator - South Korea

South Korea Environment - current issues

Institutions ~ International

United Nations Development Programme Seoul Policy Centre

United States Environmental Protection Agency Collaboration with South Korea 

European Commision - EU-South Korea Cooperation


Institutions ~ Government

Seoul Metropolitan Government - Environment & Energy

Korea National Park Service

National Institute of Ecology

South Korea Ministry of Environment

Korea Meteorological Administration

National Institute of Environmental Research

National Institute of Biological Resources

National Institute of Environmental Human Resources Development

Institutions ~ NGOs

Korea Environmental Institute

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung: Korea Office

Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute

Korean Federation for Environmental Movement (KFEM)

    · Takes progressive actions to support core values of life, peace, ecology, and bottom-up participation

     · A member under the Friends of the Earth International (FoEI)

     · Contributes to the development of healthy environment in Korea through research, survey, technical development, education

          and public information on the preservation of environment.  

Institutions ~ Private sector

Green Company

Environmental Resources Management (ERM) - South Korea

Environmental law & politics

Environmental law and practice in South Korea: Overview

Climate change & energy

Climate action tracker - South Korea

Climate Observer  - South Korea

Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment - South Korea

Greenhouse Gas Inventory & Research Center of Korea

Air pollution

Air Korea

Air Quality and Other Environmental Factors in South Korea

Air Pollution’s Hazy Future in South Korea

Mia Levine & Ziyang Chen of Brandeis University contributed to this page in 2022 & 2017 respectively.