South Korea
Also see the Country data sources page.
General environmental, demographic & geographic information
South Korea: Environmental Issues, Policies and Clean Technology
Sustainable Governance Indicator - South Korea
South Korea Environment - current issues
Institutions ~ International
United Nations Development Programme Seoul Policy Centre
United States Environmental Protection Agency Collaboration with South Korea
European Commision - EU-South Korea Cooperation
Institutions ~ Government
Seoul Metropolitan Government - Environment & Energy
South Korea Ministry of Environment
Korea Meteorological Administration
National Institute of Environmental Research
National Institute of Biological Resources
National Institute of Environmental Human Resources Development
Institutions ~ NGOs
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung: Korea Office
Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute
Korean Federation for Environmental Movement (KFEM)
· Takes progressive actions to support core values of life, peace, ecology, and bottom-up participation
· A member under the Friends of the Earth International (FoEI)
· Contributes to the development of healthy environment in Korea through research, survey, technical development, education
and public information on the preservation of environment.
Institutions ~ Private sector
Environmental Resources Management (ERM) - South Korea
Environmental law & politics
Environmental law and practice in South Korea: Overview
Climate change & energy
Climate action tracker - South Korea
Climate Observer - South Korea
Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment - South Korea
Greenhouse Gas Inventory & Research Center of Korea
Air pollution
Air Quality and Other Environmental Factors in South Korea
Air Pollution’s Hazy Future in South Korea
Mia Levine & Ziyang Chen of Brandeis University contributed to this page in 2022 & 2017 respectively.