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Contents of this page:

     · General information

       · Environmental news

         · Institutions

                 ~ Government

                 ~ NGOs

             · Environmental law

               · Public participation

                 · Environmental education

                   · Climate change

                     · Air pollution

                       · Freshwater

                         · Marine env

                           · Agriculture & food

                             · Biodiversity

                               · Key readings

Also see:

   · Country data sources

     · Indian Ocean

       · Asia

General information

Current Issues

     · Straightforward list of issues the country is currently dealing with.

Environmental news

EIN News

Sri Lanka @ Mongabay

Institutions ~ Government

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

     Ocean Affairs, Environment, and Climate Change Division

Ministry of Environment

Environment Foundation Limited

     · General environmental organization, focuses on promoting environmental laws and green development with ecology in mind.

A list of environmental policies stated by the Sri Lankan Government

Central Environmental Authority

Institutions ~ Nongovernmental organizations

Organizations @ Sri Lanka Biodiversity National Clearing House Mechanism

Federation of Environmental Organizations Sri Lanka

Environmental Foundation Limited

Environmental Conservation and Management Society (ENCM)

Friends of the Earth Sri Lanka / Center for Environmental Justice

Green Movement of Sri Lanka

     · Brings together other organizations towards the common goal of protecting the country from multinatural development interests.

Nature Conservation Society (NCS)

Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural Research Policy

Sri Lanka Wildlife Conservation Society (SLWCS)

     · Engages with people at the grassroots level and empower citizens to support sustainable and long-term conservation success

Wildlife and Nature Protection Society (WNPS)

     · “With a history that traces back to over a century, the Wildlife and Nature Protection Society of Sri

       Lanka continues to work to conserve nature in all its forms - the country's rich wildlife, plant life,

       and all natural habitats, including landscapes and seascapes. The third oldest nature protection

       society in the world, and the first in Sri Lanka, our milestones are intertwined with the country's

       conservation milestones; many of which were advocated for, led and supported by the society.”

Environmental law

Environmental law @ Citizens Lanka

Public participation

Friends of the Earth Sri/Lanka /Center for Environmental Justice

     · Provides legal advocacy and promotes the connection between community and policy


     · Works on a grassroots level to empower citizens in the environmental policy process.

Environmental Conservation & Management Society (ENCM)

Environmental education

Environmental Education Unit

Climate Change

Climate Change Secretariat Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Implementaton Plan (2021-2030)

    · FAOLEX summary

Sri Lanka climate change adaptation @ UNDP

Air Pollution

Sri Lanka @ IQAir

Air resource Management and Monitoring Unit @ Division of the Central Environmental Agency


Water Resources Board

Marine environment

Marine Environmental Protection Authority:

-Government-run organization focusing on marine pollution in particular.

Coastal Conservation and Coastal Resource Management Department


Agriculture & food

Ministry of Agriculture

Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural Research Policy


Biodiversity Sri Lanka

     · Organization dedicated to conserving the biodiversity of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Biodiversity National Clearing House Mechanism

Sri Lanka Mangrove Conservation Project

Key readings

State of the environment, environmental challenges and governance in Sri Lanka

Alicia Myung (2024) & Spencer Taft 2019 of Brandeis University developed this page.

Sri Lanka