Contents of this page:
· General information
· NGOs
· Energy
· Climate change
· Stratospheric ozone depletion
· Transboundary pollution
· Geneva
Also see:
· Europe
General information
International Rank in Environmental Policy and Global Environmental Protection
Recommendations for future Swiss Environmental Policy Initiatives
Sustainability and Environment in Switzerland
Basic Information on Environmental Policy in Switzerland and what laws are currently in place
Nongovernmental organizations
· Established as Swiss League for the Protection of Nature in 1909
Swiss Ornithological Institute
Climate change
Manner in which Switzerland is Combating Climate Change
Switzerland and Climate Change and Public Perception
Information on how Climate Change is Directly Affecting the Swiss Alps
The Effects of Climate Change in Switzerland to this point
Outline for the current adaptation strategy against climate change being pursued by Switzerland
Stratospheric ozone depletion
Levels of Methyl Bromide ODS Emissions over Time
Swiss Progress on ODS Reductions and the Current State of Ozone Depletion
Information on Swiss Ozone Monitoring and what Progress is being made
Transboundary pollution
Description of one transboundary pollution accord that Switzerland is a part of
Description of the way the CLRTAP has affected Europe as a whole and Switzerland