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General information

US CIA Tunisia Fact Page

The World Bank in Tunisia

     · Provides basic statistical economic and demographic data on Tunisia, along with descriptions

       of major infrastructure development projects nationwide.

European Forum

     ·  Useful and concise overview of Tunisia's current political landscape.

Tunisia Environmental Performance Index (Yale University)

Environmental law

The Constitution of the Tunisian Republic (2014)

Governmental Institutions

Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development

Office National de l'Huile (National Office of Oil)

     ·  Agency responsible for the regulation and monitoring of Tunisia's massive olive oil industry.

Agence Nationale de Protection de l'Environment (ANPE, Ministy of Environment)

     ·  Agency responsible for assessing, monitoring, and writing policy regarding pollution control.

National Office of Mines

     ·  Provides information on the exploration of mineral raw materials and on the state of the nation's soil and subsoil.

Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries, Tunisia

     ·  A public research institution responsible for studying agricultural improvement and conservation techniques.

Environmental Research

L'Association des Géographes Tunisiens (Association of Tunisian Geographers)

National Research Institute for Rural Engineering, Water and Forestry (INRGREF)

Institute National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer

     ·  Produces research on marine biology and aquaculture.

Ecole Supérieure des Industries Alimentaires de Tunis (Higher Institute of Food Industries of Tunisia)

Institution de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Supérieur Agricoles (The Institution of Agricultural Research and Higher Education)

     ·  Aims to "ensure the promotion of agricultural research within the framework of the general state policy)

Institute National de Recherche Agronomique de Tunis (National Institute of Agronomic Research of Tunis)

    ·   A public research institution responsible for studying agricultural improvement and conservation techniques.

Nongovernmental organizations

Agence pour la Promotion des Investissements Agricoles

     ·   A "non-administrative public institution...whose main mission is the promotion of private investment in agriculture, fisheries and related services"

El Space

     ·   El Space calls itself "Tunisia's first social innovation hub" and aims to "build and empower thriving and resilient communities based on sustainable collaborations."

Association "Les Ais des Oiseaux" (Friends of Birds Association)

Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

Partenariat de l'Energie/Energiepartnershaft (The German-Tunisian Energy Partnership)

     ·  The German-Tunisian Energy Partnership provides an example of internatioal renewable energy collaboration, whereby German energy-capturing technology is installed on Tunisian land, with an aim to "build up a sustainable, secure and affordable energy suppl system in Tunisia"

Environmental politics

"The Green Economy in Tunisia"  (UN Economic Commission for Africa Office, Office for North Africa)

"Effectiveness of Environmental Policies Adopted by the Tunisian Industrial Company" (Université de Sfax)

"Greens in Tunisia: What's the story?" (Green World)

     ·  Provides a usful overview of the current structure and role of the Tunisian Green Party within Tunisian politics.

"Tunisia Recognizes Climate Change in its Constitution" (TIME)

"Towards sustainable fisheries in Tunisia" (WWF)

"Access to environmental information: a driver of accountable governance in Morocco and Tunisia? (German Development Institute)

Migration, development and climage change in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia (Swiss Agency for Development and cooperation)

Public participation

Aswat Nissa

     · Aswat Nissa is an NGO that "advoates for the integration of the gender approach in public policies

by encouraging Tunisian women to take their voice and take their rightful place in public and political life."

"Local mobilisations and the formation of environmental networks in a democratizing Tunisia" (Journal of Social Movement Studies)

Public Participation Guide: Community Invomvement in the Management of Environmental Pollution, Tunisia (EPA)

Climate change

Addressing climate change vulnerabilities and risks in vulnerable coastal areas of Tunisia (UNDP)

Portfolio of Projects for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Tunisia (UNDP)


Association "Les Ais des Oiseaux" (Friends of Birds Association)

Forest Investment Program in Tunisia (Climate Investment Funds Report)

"Protecting Biodiversity in Tunisia's Gulf of Gabes Region" (World Bank)

     · Source provides an indepth elaboration into one specific Tunisian biodiversity project.

Tunisia Biodiversity Facts (Convention on Biological Diversity)

Air Quality

National Network for Monitoring Air Quality (ANPE)

     · A useful data tool that allows the user to track air pollutant levels in a given location on a particular date.

Air Quality Policies in Tunisia (UN Environment)

Effect of Atmospheric Pollutants on the Air Quality in Tunisia


Association Eau et Développement (The Association of Water and Development)

     · A "multi-stakeholder platform...for meeting, exchanging experiences, sharing information and discussing topics to meet the challenges of the sector and to contribute to sustainable development and improved quality of life."

"Water Governance in Tunisia" (OECD Report)

     · A report which locates "the main governance and financing challenges to private sector participation in the water supply and wastewater sector of Tunisia, and provides a way forward to address these challenges."

Water quality map

     · An interactive map rating water quality in various sections of Tunisia

Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries, Tunisia

Water Security in Tunisia (Global Water Forum)

Water Footprint of Tunisia (Institute for Water Education)

Reducing Industrial Water Consumption Tunisia (UN Water)

Marine institutions

Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries, Tunisia

National Aquaculture Sector Overview: Tunisia (FAO)

The Interprofessional Grouping of the Fishery Products (GIPP)

     · The GIPP is an "organization in charge of the regulation of the market, improvement of quality, framing of the professionals, and

promotion of exports in the aquaculture and fisheries sector in Tunisia."

Sustainable Development

Agence Francaise de Development (French Agency for Development)

     · A French organization which "finances, accompanies and accelerates transitions towards a more just and sustainable world."

El Space

     ·   El Space calls itself "Tunisia's first social innovation hub" and aims to "build and empower thriving and resilient communities based on sustainable collaborations."

Association Tunisienne des Urbanistes (Tunisian Association of City Planners)

Regional Development in Tunisia (Brookings Institute)

Human Development Report 2018 (UNDP)

Agriculture & food

Agence pour la Promotion des Investissements Agricoles

     ·  A "non-administrative public institution...whose main mission is the promotion of private investment in agriculture, fisheries and related services"

Office National de l'Huile (National Office of Oil)

     ·  Agency responsible for the regulation and monitoring of Tunisia's massive olive oil industry.

Observatoire National de l'Agriculture (National Observatory of Agriculture)

Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries, Tunisia

Ecole Supérieure des Industries Alimentaires de Tunis (Higher Institute of Food Industries of Tunisia)

Institution de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Supérieur Agricoles (The Institution of Agricultural Research and Higher Education)

     ·  Aims to "ensure the promotion of agricultural research within the framework of the general state policy)

Institute National de Recherche Agronomique de Tunis (National Institute of Agronomic Research of Tunis)

    ·   A public research institution responsible for studying agricultural improvement and conservation techniques.

Building Food Sovereignty in Tunisia

Tunisia's Organic Standards (ISEAL Alliance)

Talya Guenzburger

of Brandeis University developed this page in 2019.


Also see:

   · Africa page

    · Country data sources page