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General informationMann,

Environmental issues in the United Kingdom [Wikipedia]



Institutions ~ National government

Countryside Stewardship Scheme

Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)

     UK Research and Innovation

          Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)

               British Antarctic Survey

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) @

     Natural Environment Research Council

Environment Agency

Forestry Commission

Joint Nature Conservation Commission (JNCC)

     · “We are...the only statutory nature advisor to all four countries of the UK. We provide robust scientific

        evidence and advice to help decision makers turn science into action for nature to guide the UK on a

        sustainable path. We work across land and sea with partners throughout the UK, the UK Overseas

        Territories, the Crown Dependencies and around the world.”

Ministry of State for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

Natural England

Joint Nature Conservation Committee: Climate change

Royal Commission for Environmental Pollution

     · Closed.

Sustainable Development Commission

     · Closed in 2011.

UK Air Information Resource (UK AIR)

Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD)

     Environmental democracy

Institutions ~ Research

Landscape Institute

UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH)

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

     Natural Environment Research Council

          U.K. Center for Ecology & Hydrology

Institutions ~ Networks & coalitions

Black Environmental Network (BEN)

Wildlife & Countryside Link

Institutions ~ Nongovernmental organizations

     · Issue-specific NGOs below

ℹ️ NGO Explorer


Folly Wildlife Rescue

Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development -

Friends of the Earth (FoE) UK

Global Justice Now [UK]


National Trust

New Economics Foundation

     · "...For more than three decades, the New Economics Foundation’s mission has been to transform the

          economy so it works for people and the planet."

Operation Turtle Dove

People & Planet

     · "...the largest student network in the UK campaigning for social and environmental justice"

Reclaim the Streets (RTS)

Wild Planet Trust

Woodland Trust

Environmental Politics

Green Party of England and Wales

     Green World


Energy Systems Catapult

Good Energy

Climate change

Campaign Against Climate Change

Climate Action @ FoE-UK

Climate Coalition

Committee on Climate Change


Green Finance Community Hub

UK Universities Climate Network (UUCN)


British Sea Fishing


Forest Research

Woodland Trust

Agriculture & food

National Food Strategy

Rare Breeds Survival Trust

     Grazing Animals Project


British Ornithologists' Union (BOU)

British Trust for Ornithology (BTO)


Butterfly Conservation

National Biodiversity Network

Natural England


     · “ analytical tool developed by Natural England and the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology 

       to assist invertebrate nature conservation in England. Users import lists of invertebrates into

       Pantheon, which then analyses the species, attaching associated habitats and resources,

       conservation status and other codings against them.”

Rewilding Britain

Sea Life Trust

Wildlife Online

Wildlife Trusts



Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

Scottish government:


     Climate change


Scottish Environmental Protection Agency

Scottish Natural Heritage

Trees for Life

Climate Ready Clyde


Cambrian Mountains Society

Isle of Mann

Manx Biodiversity

NBN Atlas Isle of Man


Devon County

Devon County Council Energy & Environment page

High Weald

High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Lakes District

Lake District Foundation


Lancashire Wildlife Trust


Clean Air in London

City of LondonEnvironment

London Climate Change Partnership  

London Air @ Environmental Research Group, King's College London

Platform London

Transport for London (TfL)




Moors for the Future Partnership

Sussex County

Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre

Sussex Wildlife Trust

     Help Our Kelp

Weald to Waves

Thames River

Upper Thames River Conservation Authority

United Kingdom

Also see the Country data sources page.

Contents of this page:

     · General information

       · Periodicals

         · Insitutions

                ~ National government

                ~ Professional associations

                ~ Research

                ~ Networks & coalitions

                ~ NGOs

            · Environmental politics

              · Energy

                · Climate change

                  · Oceans

                      · Forests  

                        · Agriculture & food

                          · Biodiversity

                            · Places

                                   ~ Scotland

                                   ~ Wales

                                   ~ Isle of Mann

                                   ~ England