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A web·guide to the glocal environment



Rose Nolan & Libby Williams

of Brandeis University contrbuted to  this page in 2021 & 2019, respectively.

General information

Environmental issues in Vietnam @ Wikipedia

Vietnam @ Britannica

Vietnam @ NationsOnline

Japan-Vietnam Environmental Policy Dialogue

Environmental & demographic information

Vietnam @

World Bank Demographic Data

News & periodicals

Environment @ Viet Nam News

Mongabay Page on Vietnam

     · Well-rounded reporting on environmental news in Vietnam

Asia Times → Vietnam

     · Not all environmental news, but the Asia Times does quite a few really interesting environmental pieces


     · "an online briefing on Vietnam affairs, socitey, business, and much more." Not all environmental news, but they do publish quite a

     few interesting environmental pieces

Journal of Vietnamese Environment

Vietfish Magazine

     · Magazine about all things fishing in Vietnam

International agreements, institutions & initiatives

Vietnam @ International Environmental Agreements (IEA) Database Project

OpenDevelopment Vietnam

Institutions ~ International organizations

Vietnam @ IUCN

World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal for Vietnam

     · A comprehensive portal with accessable data on climate change on its impacts on various sectors in Vietnam (see specific data for

     agriculture and freshwater linked below)

UNDP in Vietnam

     · Page focussing on environment, climate change, and disaster relief UNDP programs in Vietnam

UNDP-UNEP Environment Initiative country profile on Vietnam

USAID on Vietnam's Environment

US EPA in Vietnam

Institutions ~ Government

Vietnam Environment Administration

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Directorate of Fisheries

     · A branch of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development that oversees fisheries in Vietnam

Institutions ~ Research

Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources

Center for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies at Vietnam National University

Center for Environmental and Community Research

   · A Hanoi-based NGO that advocates for an ecosystem-based approach to solving environmental

     issues through research generation.  

Center for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies (UCRSEA)

Endangered Primate Rescue Center

Institutions ~ Nongovernmental organizations


     · A Vietnam-based NGO with mission to "inspire, motivate, and empower society and individuals to engage in science-based conservation of threatened species and ecosystems"

Education for Nature - Vietnam

Vietnam Association for the Conservation of Nature and Environment (VACNE)

     · Education and mobilization for defending the implementation of environmental laws

Viet Nature

     · An autonomous Vietnamese NGO dedicated to halting biodiversity loss and conserving "the integrity and diversity of nature" in Vietnam

Vietnam Environment Protection Fund

Open Development Vietnam

Environmental law

Vietnam @ Enviro Rights Map

Vietnam's Biodiversity Law

   · This is the full legal text of Vietnam's 2008 Biodiversity Law. Helpful breakdowns can be found

      at Vietnam Law & Legal Forum Magazine and at the Center for International Sustainable Development Law. on environmental and pollution controls in Vietnam

     · A fairly comprehensive list of environmental protection laws and regulations in Vietnam

Vermont Law on Vietnam's Current Environmental Regulations

     · An article exploring "how contradictory laws are contributing to Vietnam's growing environmental crisis"

Environmental politics

FES on Environmental Politics and Sustainable Development in Vietnam

     · A publication for FES examining issues of environmental policy and politics in Vietnam and the successes and challenges they have had

Environmentalism and Authoritarian Politics in Vietnam

Public participation

RMIT University's Environmental Policy

Youth Engagement in Vietnam's Environmental Movement

     · Article from Vietcetera

The Environmental Movement in Vietnam

World Politics Review on the role of Citizen Science in protecting Vietnam's Environment

Trade issues

Vietnam Country Commercial Guide

     · Website for trade policies for Vietnam and environmental impact

     · Vietnam's Customs Regulations and Standards

          · focused mainly on the trade policies of Vietnam

     · Environmental Technology in Vietnam

          · focused on the effects of market transformation on Vietnam and how the environmental technology industry is being used as a remedy.

Management of E-Waste and Hazardous Waste in Vietnam

     · From 2004, but contains useful tables and graphs about waste production and a good summary

        of Vietnam's infrastructure with how to deal with the toxic materials.

Climate change

IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 C

     · For a more specific breakdown on what this report means for Vietnam, visit this Mongabay article

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Report on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Efforts in Vietnam

USAID on climate change in Vietnam

The BBC on climate displacement in Vietnam

     · A short video explaining some of the humanitarian effects of climate change in Vietnam

Air pollution

Vietnam Air Quality Index

Plastic pollution

USAID and Ocean Plastics in Vietnam

Marine fisheries & institutions

Directorate of Fisheries

     · A branch of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development that oversees fisheries in Vietnam

Centre for Marinelife Conservation and Community Development

IUCN Marine Turtle Conservation

Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Country Profie on Vietnam

FAO Country Fishery Profile

Vietfish Magazine

     · Magazine about all things fishing in Vietnam

Fisheries Society (VINAFIS)


FAO water report on Vietnam

State of Vietnam's Water Environmental Issues @ WEPA

Vietnam Water Resources @ OpenDevelopment Vietnam

Vietnam Water Supply and Sewerage Association

Water Resources in Vietnam

World Bank on climate change and water in Vietnam

     · Through the World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal

WWF Vietnam on Freshwater

Water in Crisis - Vietnam

     · From the Water Project

Agriculture & food

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

FAO Profile on Vietnam

Encyclopedia Brittanica on Agriculture in Vietnam

World Bank on climate change and agriculture in Vietnam

     · Through the World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal

Food Security Portal for Vietnam

Food System Transformation In Vietnam


Vietnam National Biodiversity Strategy to 2020

Partnership between Viet Nature and the World Land Trust

   · Focuses on protecting the Khe Nuoc Trong forest in the Annamite Mountain Range through its

      Carbon Balanced and Keepers of the Wild Programs

UNDP "ABS Project"

   · Formally known as the "Capacity Building for the Ratification and Implementation of the

     Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing in Viet Nam"

USAID on biodiversity conservation in Vietnam

WWF Vietnam Office

     · The WWF on Biodiversity Loss in Vietnam

IUCN in Vietnam

Viet Nam @ Convention of Biological Diversity

Vietnam @ Flora and Fauna International


Contents of this page:

     · General information

       · Environmental & demographic information

         · News & periodicals

           · International agreements & initiatives

             · Institutions

                  ~ International organizations

                  ~ Government

                  ~ Research

                  ~ NGOs

                · Environmental law

                  · Environmental politics

                    · Public participation

                      · Trade issues

                        · Climate change

                          · Air pollution

                            · Marine institutions

                              · Freshwater  

                                · Agriculture & food

                                  · Biodiversity

Also see:

   · Asia page

    · Country data sources page