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Contents below:
· General information
· Environmental news
· Institutions
~ International organizations
~ Government
~ Research
~ NGOs
· Environmental law
· Environmental politics
· Climate change
· Biodiversity
Also see:
· Africa
General information
· Provides History, Work with Economic Development and Environment, Foreign Assistance Data, News
· Fighting Poverty in Zambia: Statistics, Facts, Map of Poverty in Zambia
· "FINCA helps Zambians living in poverty access financial services to improve the quality of life for themselves and their families."
· The Change Drivers: "Socio-economic changes, economic growth and environmental degradation,
policy and legislation changes, developments in the agriculture sector and their implications on
forestry, changes in energy use and their implications on forestry..."
Environmental news
Climate Change threat to Victoria Falls
Institutions ~ International
Zambia @ UN Development Programme
Institutions ~ Government
Wildlife Crime Prevention (WCP) Zambia
· List of programmes; Details of work done by local organization
Institutions ~ Research
International Growth Centre: Environmental quality and economic development in Zambia
· "...this project...sought to construct a database of environmental policies and regulations and their
implementation to provide a base for more research on the impacts of environmental quality on
economic outcomes and, in turn, the effects of rapid development on environmental quality"
Institutions ~ Nongovernmental organizations
Wildlife and Environmental Conservation Society of Zambia
· List of programmes; Details of work done by local organization
WWF: Environmental Problems in Zambia
Environmental law
Environmental regulations for mining activities in Zambia
· Answers questions pertaining to environmental laws, regulations, and policies for mining in Zambia
Environmental politics
National Assessment Report for World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD)
· Report submitted by Zambia pertaining to the Sustainable Development Goals
· Formatting on site a little off but worth the read for statistics and facts
· Recommended to not "download report" becuase the linked page is not as relevant but rather stay on site above
UNFCCC: Zambia and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
· Links to official documents, reports, legislation and policies
Creating and protecting Zambia's wealth: Experience and next steps in environmental mainstreaming
· PDF hyperlinked above
· To find document: search title above and click on the PDF provided in a link of found sources
Climate change
ClimateLinks: A Global Knowledge Portal for Climate Development Practitioners
· Handful of links with country statistics pertaining to climate change and USAID activities/news
Stockholm Environment Insitute: Zambia's adaptation to climate change
· "The conflicting discourse within policy documents reflects a country’s challenges in addressing
both adaptation needs and economic development."
Zambia Environmental and Climate Change Policy Brief
· ResearchGate: Technical Report (PDF Download Available)
· "aims at briefly presenting key environmental sustainability challenges and opportunities (including
climate change and disaster risk reduction) in Zambia, their linkages to poverty reduction and
economic development and how they are addressed in the Zambian Sixth National Development
Plan (SNDP)."
Zambia @ UN REDD+ Web Platform
· ”The overall goal of the network is to promote the sharing of climate change and climate related
information among the general membership and greater public in order to enhance effective
advocacy and stakeholder engagement in the climate change and environmental debate at local,
national, regional and international levels."
REDD+ in Zambia @ USAID
Conservation and Sustainable Development
Institutional Aspects of Sustainable Development in Zambia
· Lists, descriptions, and background/history of decision-makers (via government, organizations, programmes, etc.) ranging from political, to NGOs, to Indigenous peoples, to women and children, etc.
Environmental Protection and Economic Development in Zambia
· PDF hyperlinked above
· To find document: search title above and click on the PDF provided in a link of found sources
· Journal of Social Development in Africa (1996), 11, 2, 57-72
· "Despite the government's efforts to control environmental degradation through enactment of a comprehensive environmental law and structures for that purpose, financial constraints and low priority accorded to this area in the face of an economic crisis makes it difficult to realise the goal of environmental protection."
· Referred to on African e-Journals Project WebPage
Wildlife Working for Sustainable Development: Lessons from Zambia's Luangwa Valley
· PDF hyperlinked above
· To find document: search title above and click on the PDF provided in a link of found sources
· International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods Programme
· GateKeeper Series No. 9
· The Luangwa Integrated Resource Development Project (LIRDP) objective: "improve the standard of living of the people of the project through sustainable use of the full range of available resources."
Policy options for the sustainable development of Zambia's electricity sector
· SciFlo: Journal of Energy in Southern Africa
· "This paper aims at understanding how Zambia's electricity system would be affected by droughts (due to a dry year) and how the system's adaptive capacity could be improved."
Success in integrating conservation and development? A study from Zambia
· Downloadable PDF
· "This critical review examines the impact of the Luangwa Integrated Resource Development Project (LIRDP) at the community level."