
A web·guide to the glocal environment



Countries, nations & states hub > Countries A>Z >

Contents below:

    · General information

      · Environmental data

        · Environmental science

          · Foreign assistance

            · Public opinion

              · Public health

                · Toxic substances

                  · Recycling

                    · Air pollution

                      · Water (including freshwater, drinking water, groundwater & dams)

                        · Biodiversity & endangered species

                          · Rural regions

Also see:

     · USA @ Environmental justice

       · US wetlands @ Wetlands

         · Government agencies @ Ecosystem services & NCPs

           · US Governmental laws & agencies @ Marine mammals

             · USA @ Invasive species

General information & data

National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

Environmental data

Environmental Data & Governance Initiative (EDGI)

Data Refuge

Environmental science

     ·These links focus on the USA; also see Environmental data & Climate data.  

Climate Science Legal Defense Fund

Silencing Science Tracker

Climate Mirror

Foreign assistance

Environment @ ForeignAssistance

Feed the Future

Public opinion

Responsive Management

Public health

American Public Health Association

Health and Environmental Research Online database (HERO) @ USEPA

Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)

National Environmental Health Association

Toxic substances

Chemical Action Map


America Recycles Day

     · Aims to improve and expanded public recycling programs to make them more effective. Works with

     partners to install recycling bins in public spaces like parks, schools, college campuses, etc.

Air pollution


National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences: Air Pollution

     · Details the health impact of air pollution in the United States


     Criteria air pollutants


Water (including freshwater, drinking water, groundwater & drought)

American Rivers

     · Combines advocacy with field work to ensure the greatest impact for river basins.

     Map of U.S. Dams Removed Since 1912

American Whitewater

Babbitt Center for Land and Water Policy @ Lincoln Institute

     · Works "to improve the quality of life through the effective use, taxation, and stewardship of land."

     · a nonprofit private foundation that researches and recommends specific approaches to land.

How's my waterway? @ USEPA

National Ground Water Association (NGWA)

National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS)

US National Drought Mitigation Center

     · Works to "reduce the effects of drought on people, the environment and the economy by researching

     the science of drought monitoring and the practice of drought planning."

     · Works on many different levels, from "individual ranchers, communities, regions, watersheds, tribes,

     states, countries."

Map of U.S. Dams Removed Since 1912 @ American Rivers

National Inventory of Dams

River Network

US Water Alliance

Water Matters

Upstream, downriver

Biodiversity & endangered species

Alliance for America's Fish & Wildlife

     · Works to provide funding to conservation efforts for fish, wildlife, and their habitats.

Endangered Species Protection Program

  · Examines the program's history, explains how it will be implemented in the field, and details the

     roles of the state, tribes, services, and the public.

Environmental Conservation Online System (ECOS)

     · Provides public data from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and other government sources.

National Military Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NMFWA)

Wildlife for All

     · “...a national campaign to reform state wildlife management to be more democratic, just,

       compassionate, and focused on protecting wild species and ecosystems.”

Rural regions

Daily Yonder

USA ~ General information