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Contents below:

     · Information

       · Periodicals

         · Government

           · Institutions

             · Private sector

               · Climate change & energy

                 · Marine environment  

                   · Rivers

                     · Forests

                       · Agriculture & food

                         · Land conservation


Nature of New England


Bird Observer

From the Ground Up

Yankee New England

     New England environment


     Fall foliage map


US Environmental Protection Agency ~ Region 1


     · Several topic-focused institutions are listed in the sections below.

Conservation Law Foundation

Grassroots Fund

Highstead Foundation

New England Botanical Society

New England Grassroots Environment Fund

New England Greenway Vision Plan

New England Ocean Science Education Collaborative (NEOSEC)

New England Wildlife Center

Renew New England Alliance

Toxics Action Center

     Facebook page

Private sector

Environmental Business Council New England (EBC)

     · “...established in 1990 by environmental and energy company executives who began meeting

       on a regular basis to exchange ideas and share experiences. The EBC was the first organization

       in the United States established to support and foster the development of the environmental


New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA)

Climate change & energy

Climate Adaptation Forum

Climate Change: Resilience and Adaptation in New England (RAINE) @ USEPA


     · “...the independent, not-for-profit corporation responsible for keeping electricity flowing across the six New England states and ensuring

      that the region has reliable, competitively priced wholesale electricity today and into the future.”

New England Climate Adaptation Project @ MIT

New England Utility Strike

No Coal, No Gas

Marine environment


Connect the Connecticut


New England Forestry Foundation (NEFF)

     Forest-to-Cities Climate Challenge

New England Forest Policy Group (NEFPG)

New England Society of American Foresters (SAF New England)

Restore: The North Woods

Agriculture & food

Food Solutions New England

     A New England Food Vision

Land conservation

Academics for Land Protection in New England (ALPiNE)


     · “...a regional conservation and ecological stewardship non-profit based in Redding, Connecticut.

       We are dedicated to increasing the pace of land protection in New England and beyond through

       science, sound stewardship and collaboration with diverse partners”

New England Landscapes Futures Explorer

New England Landscape Futures Project (S3RCN)

RCP Network [W&W site]

Wildlands & Woodlands

     · "...a regional vision that unites and inspires people across New England working to conserve New England’s natural heritage and to craft

          a sustainable future."

New England