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Contents below:

     · Information

       · Commonwealth government

         · Institutions

                ~ Private sector & trade associations

                ~ Networks

                ~ Environment-focused NGOs

                ~ Climate-focused NGOs  

            · Climate change & energy

              · Oceans

                · Forests

                  · Outdoor recreation

                    · Region, river, watershed, city & town information


     · Greater Boston Conservation History Landscape

       · City of Boston


Black Earth Compost


     Environment page

Commonwealth government

Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs (EEA)

     Department of Environmental Protection

          Recycle Smart MA

     Department of Fish and Game

          Biodiversity Goals for the Commonwealth

     Department of Conservation and Recreation

     MA Decarbonization Roadmap

     Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM)

          Coastal Erosion Commission


Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture


    Massachusetts Community Climate Bank

Institutions ~ Private sector & trade associations


Institutions ~ Networks

Gas Transition Allies [Massachusetts]

Institutions ~ Environment-focused NGOs

     · NGOs focused on climate change are listed below, but most NGOs in the following listing work on climate change as well.

Buzzards Bay Coalition

Environmental League of Massachusetts

Forest Foundation

Green Justice Coalition


Living Observatory

Mass Audubon

Mass Green Network

Mass Forest Rescue Campaign

Mass Power Forward coalition

Massachusetts Environmental Justice Table

Massachusetts Environmental Trust

     · Example of intersection between public and private funding: Mass state natural resource licensing pays for environmental trust grants

Massachusetts Forest Alliance

Massachusetts Invasive Plant Advisory Group

Massachusetts Land Trust Coalition

Massachusetts Peace Action (MAPA)

     Climate & Peace

Massachusetts Rivers Alliance


     MASSPIRG Students

No Fracked Gas in Mass

Our Revolution Massachusetts (ORMA)

     Climate Crisis Working Group

Recycle Smart

Sustainable Business Network of Massachusetts

Transportation for Massachusetts

Wildlife Rehabilitators’ Association of Massachusetts

Climate-focused NGOs

All In Energy

Communities Responding to Extreme Weather (CREW)

Global Warming Solutions

Green Energy Consumers Alliance

    · Formerly Mass Energy

Massachusetts Clean Energy Center

   · ”...a state economic development agency dedicated to accelerating the growth of the clean energy

      sector across the Commonwealth to spur job creation, deliver statewide environmental benefits

      and to secure long-term economic growth for the people of Massachusetts.”

Mass Coalition for Sustainable Energy

     · "To address our energy deficit and continue progress reducing emissions, Massachusetts needs to

       expand our access to natural gas."

Mass Power Forward

Massachusetts Clean Energy Center

Massachusetts Climate Action Network

     Facebook page

Massachusetts Clean Energy Center

Massachusetts Ecosystem Climate Adaptation Network

     · “A community of practice for climate adaptation practitioners and researchers interested in ecosystem

       resilience and natural resource conservation in Massachusetts.”

Massachusetts Interfaith Coalition for Climate Action (MAICCA)

Massachusetts Youth Climate Coalition (MYCC)

Massachusetts Youth for Climate Justice



MOR-EV program

Solarize Massachusetts

Storm Surge

Climate change & energy

Campaign for a Clean Energy Future - Massachusetts

Charlie's Climate Catastrophe Tour

Report: Governor Baker Signs Climate Legislation to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

     · 2021, Governor's Press Office, Office of Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito

     · Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs

     · Describes legislation signed by Governor Baker, of Massachusetts, which sets out to achieve net zero

       emissions by the year 2050.

     · This legislation acknowledges the disproportionate health impacts on “environmental justice

       communities,” and calls for research to be conducted within these communities to gain a better

       understanding of the health impacts of air pollution.


Seaside Sustainability

     · “...composed of a small, dedicated, and streamlined staff with over 185 years of combined

       experience in the fields of Biology, Science, Engineering, Backcountry Medicine, Training

       and Development, Business Entrepreneurship, and Experiential Education.  Unified by our

       shared passions for engagement with the natural world, we inspire citizens to ask questions,

       challenge assumptions, and draw their own conclusions.”


MassWoods @ University of Massachusetts-Amerst

Massachusetts Forest Alliance

Massachusetts Woodlands Institute

Trees as a Public Good Network @ ORMA

Outdoor recreation

Bay Circuit Trail & Greenway

Region, river, watershed, city & town information

     Boston page

     North Shore

         Breath Clean North Shore

     Charles River watershed

           Charles River Conservancy

           Charles River Watershed Association



          Cambridge Pland & Garden Club

          Cambridge urban tree map


          Green Streets Initiative     

     Cape Cod

          Cape Cod Climate Change Collaborative

          Cape Cod Commission

               Resilient Cape Cod

          "At the edge of a warming world" ~ Boston Globe story

               Changing Cape Pulitzer curricular resources





          Colrain Center for Conservation and Wildlife Rehabilitation


           Transition Framingham

     Merrimcack River

           Merrimack River Watershed Council

     Mystic River

           Mystic River Watershed Association (MRWA)


           Nantucket Conservation Foundation


           Swampscott Conservancy


           Energy & Climate Committee


           Stop the Compressor Station
