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Countries-Nations-States hub > USA Main page > States > Massachusetts >

Contents of this page:

     · Map

       · General information

         · Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area

           · Emerald Necklace

                   ~ Public Garden

                   ~ Boston Common

                   ~ Arnold Arboretum

             · Frederick Law Olmstead National Historical Site

               · Mount Auburn Cemetery

                 · Waverly Oaks

                   · Middlesex Fells Reservation

                     · Walden Pond (& environs)

                                ~ Walden, Thoreau & climate change

                       · Robbins House

                         · Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge

                           · Other Boston locales

                             · Photos from the 1st Greater Boston Conservation History Tour (13 June 2024)

General information

Conservation and Landscape Planning in Massachusetts @ USNPS

Save Our Heritage

     · “Protecting the birthplace Of the American revolution, the cradle of the American Environmental

       Movement, And the home of the American Literary Renaissance"

     · About page

Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area

Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area @ US National Park Service

Boston Harbor Ecosystem Network (BHEN)

     Facebook page

Boston Harbor Now

Friends of Boston Harbor Islands

One Waterfront @ TTOR

Stone Living Lab

     · “a partnership between Boston Harbor Now, UMass Boston’s School for the Environment, the

       City of Boston, the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, the Massachusetts

       Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, the National Park Service, and the

       James M. and Cathleen D. Stone Foundation that engages scientists and the community in

       research, education, and the promotion of equity.”

Emerald Necklace

     · “The parks that make up the Emerald Necklace—Boston Common, The Public Garden, Commonwealth

       Avenue Mall, The Back Bay Fens, Riverway, Olmsted Park, Jamaica Pond Park, Arnold Arboretum, and

       Franklin Park – extend from the Charles River to Dorchester and span over 1,000 acres of parkland,

       representing half of the City of Boston’s park acreage. The Emerald Necklace is the only remaining

       intact linear park designed by Olmsted, America’s first landscape architect.”*

Emerald Necklace @ Arnold Arboretum

Public Garden

Friends of the Public Garden

Boston Common

Boston Common @

Boston Common @ Boston Discovery Guide

Boston Common @ Freedom Trail

Boston Common @ Friends of the Public Garden

Boston Common @ US National Park Service

Boston Common @ Wikipedia

Arnold Arboretum

Arnold Arboretum

Frederick Law Olmstead National Historical Site

Frederick Law Olmstead National Historical Site

Mount Auburn Cemetery

Mount Auburn Cemetery

Mount Auburn Cemetery @ History of Early American Landscape Design

Waverly Oaks

Beaver Brook Reservation

Waverly Trail

Middlesex Fells

Middlesex Fells Reservation @

Middlesex Fells Reservation @ USNPS

Middlesex Fells Reservation @ Wikipedia

Walden Pond (& environs)

     · Also see Henry David Thoreau @ Individuals & citizens page

Walden @ Britannica

Walden Pond State Reservation @

Walden Pond @ Cultural Landscape Foundation

Walden Pond @ Wikipedia

Walden Woods Project

Thoreau Farm

Walden, Thoreau & climate change

    Primack Lab

          Walden Warming

          Climate change research in partnership with Thoreau

     Early Spring: Henry Thoreau and Climate Change @ Concord Museum  

Robbins House

Robbins House

Robbins House @ Freedom's Way

Robbins House @ USNPS

Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge

Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge

Other Boston locales

Blue Hill Observatory & Science Center

Urban Land Institute - Boston/New England        

Boston Urban Farms

New England Aquarium (NEAq)

Photos from the 1st Greater Boston Conservation History Tour (13 June 2024)

Greater Boston Conservation History Landscape

· Boston Common

Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area

· Walden Pond

Great Meadows NWR ·  

Note that the order of locations

generally trends from

East-&-South to


· Robbins House  

• Waverly Oaks

• Mt Auburn Cemetery

• Boston Common

• Public Garden

Emerald Necklace

Olmstead NHS ·

• Arnold Arboretum

Highlighted locations are approximations
