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A web·guide to the glocal environment



Eastern Hemisphere > Africa >

Contents below:

     · Nile River basin

       · Sahara Desert

         · West Africa

           · Sahel

             · Gulf of Guinea forests

               · Niger River basin

                 · Lake Chad Basin

                   · Horn of Africa

                     · Great lakes of Africa & Albertine Rift

                       · Lake Victoria Basin

                         · Congo Basin

                           · Virungas

                             · Southern Africa

                               · Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area

                                 · Greater Limpopo

Also see: Mediterranean region

Nile River basin

Nile Basin @

Nile Basin Initiative (NBI)

Reuter's FACTBOX: Nile river agreements and issues

Terje Tvedt on global history, the Nile, and water

Sahara Desert

General Sahara Desert Information @ Live Science

Basic Sahara Desert Information @ Britannica

Common Sahara Desert Animals @ World Atlas

Animals Found in the Sahara Desert @ DesertUSA

Common Plants in the Sahara Desert @ Sahara Desert Project

Sahara Conservation Fund (SCF)

Sahara Plant Life @ Britannica

Animal Adaptations in the Sahara @ Conservation Institute

West Africa

WABES: Supporting the West African Contribution to IPBES


Sahel Alliance

Great Green Wall Initiative @ UNCCD

Gulf of Guinea forests

Tengwood Organization

     · Description of Gulf of Guinea forests

Niger River basin

Niger Basin Authority (NBA)

Lake Chad Basin

Lake Chad Basin Commission

Lake Chad Basin project @ GEF

Lake Chad Basin @ Sahel Alliance

Regional project for the conservation and sustainable development of Lake Chad @ UNDP

Rewilding in Lake Chad Basin @ ACF

Horn of Africa

Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)

     “...created in 1996 to supersede the Intergovernmental Authority on Drought and Development

         (IGADD), which was founded in 1986.”

     IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC)

Great Lakes of Africa & Albertine Rift

African Great Lakes Information Platform

Albertine Rift Conservation Society

Lake Victoria Basin

Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization (LVFO)

Lake Victoria @ IUCN

Lake Victoria Conservation Project

Lake Victoria Basin: Atlas of our Changing Environment

Lake Victoria Basin @ BirdLife International

Regional Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis Of The Lake Victoria Basin

Congo Basin

Congo Basin @ UNESCO

Congo Basin Conservation Society (CBCS)

Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP)

Conserv Congo


Gorilla Highlands Initiative

Greater Virunga Transboundary Collaboration

Virunga Alliance

Virunga Foundation

Virunga National Park

Southern Africa

SADC Transfrontier Conservation Areas

     · SADC: Southern Africa Development Community

Protocol on shared watercourse systems in the Southern African development community (SADC) region

     · Signed at Johannesburg, 28 August 1995

Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area

Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area

Greater Limpopo

Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Park

African transboundary regions