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A web·guide to the glocal environment



     General information


          European institutions ~ European Union (EU)

          European institutions ~ Non-EU

          Transboundary regions

     Mediterranean region

     Middle East & North Africa


          African Institutions

          Transboundary regions


          Transboundary regions

🌍 Eastern Hemisphere

Topic-specific vs. place-specific information

If, say, you are interested in the topic of “freshwater in Vietnam,” there are three possible pages on that might provide relevant information:

(1) The Vietnam country page, which has a section on freshwater;

(2) the Asia page, which also has a section on freshwater, some of which might be relevant to Vietnam; and

(3) the Freshwater hub page, which links to various pages on freshwater; while these are less likely to have anything specific to Vietnam, they might nonetheless contain useful resources.

Country info

For particular countries, start with the Countries A>Z page

Landscapes & seascapes

The CLLC maintains a database of more than 130 large conservation landscapes around the world at GLOBESCAPES: