
A web·guide to the glocal environment



Ecosystem conservation hub >

Contents below:

     · Information resources & maps

       · Listings & indicators

         · News & periodicals

           · Educational materials

             · Institutions

                    ~ Coalitions, networks & partnerships

                    ~ Science & research institutions

                    ~ NGOs

               · Habitat fragmentation

                 · “Three conditions”

                   · Wilderness

                    · Man and the Biosphere

                      · Select readings on landscape conservation

                        · Selected videos on connectivity & climate change       


     · Rewilding & restoration ecology

       · Transborder conservation

         · Global targets, including 30x30, Half-Earth & Nature Needs Half

           · Road ecology

             · Large landscape & seascape conservation initiatives

Also see:

     · Biomes & ecosystem types

Information resources & maps


Connectivity @ ArcGIS StoryMaps

Connectivity Challenge

Conservation Corridor

    · A key information nexus for connectivity science.


     · "GIS tools for connectivity, corridor, or habitat modeling"

Ecological connectivity @ CMS

Endangered Landscapes Programme

Free Passage: Reestablishing North America's Wildlife Corridors

Global Safety Net

Landscape Measure Resource Center (LMRC)

     · “...designed to help manage areas where interests in protecting biodiversity, producing food, and

          supporting rural livelihoods converge. The Landscape Measures approach recognizes producers

     of crops, livestock, fish, and forest resources as stewards of ecosystems and biodiversity.”

Landscape Partnership portal  

     · “ interactive platform where landowners and professionals from any agency, organization or

       industry can share technical information, host GIS mapping products and a variety of decision-support

       tools, view and download online learning materials, find out about partnership activities and newly

       funded projects, and identify technical experts who are available to provide assistance.”

Linkage Mapper Software

Pathways for Wildlife

Protected Connected (ProtConn) indicator

Resilient & Connected Landscapes @ TNC's Conservation Gateway

Listings & indicators

Catchment Based Approach (CaBA)

Ecosystem Intactness Index

Globescapes @ Center for Large Landscape Conservation (CLLC)

IUCN’s Red List of Ecosystems (RLE)

Protected Area Representativeness and Connectedness (PARC-Connectedness)

Protected Connected (Protconn) Index

Relative Magnitude of Fragmentation

News & periodicals

Living Landscape Observer

News @ Global Landscapes Forum


Educational materials

Connectivity 101: Ecological connectivity for people and planet @ UNDP's Learning for Nature


~ Coalitions, networks & partnerships ~

Coalition for Wildlife Corridors [India]

Community Development and Knowledge Management for the Satoyama Initiative (COMDEKS)

Connectivity Policy Coalition (CPC) [USA]

     · Hosted by Wildlands Network

Global Partnership on Ecological Connectivity (GPEC)

     · CMS press release

     · Partnership design document @ CMS [pdf]

     · WWF press release

     · One Earth press release

Network for Landscape Conservation

Wildlife Connect

     · “...a joint initiative between WWF, CLLC, CCSG, and CMS that aims to maintain or increase

       ecological connectivity of landscapes, ensuring viable wildlife populations, ecosystem

       services, resilience to climate change, and human well-being.”

~ Science & research ~

Cambridge Conservation Initiative

     Endangered Landscapes Programme

Center for Landscape Conservation Planning @ University of Florida

Global Landscapes Forum

     · “ ...the world’s largest knowledge-led platform on integrated land use, dedicated to achieving

       the Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Climate Agreement. The Forum takes a holistic

       approach to create sustainable landscapes that are productive, prosperous, equitable and

       resilient and considers five cohesive themes of food and livelihoods, landscape restoration,

       rights, finance and measuring progress. It is led by the Center for International Forestry Research

       (CIFOR), in collaboration with its co-founders UNEP and the World Bank and Charter Members.”

     · "We are now the world’s largest science-led platform on sustainable land use. To date, we have

       connected 3,000 organizations and 25,000 people through our gatherings in Warsaw, Lima,

       London, Paris, Marrakech and Jakarta - with 32 million others online.”

International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE)

     · North America

Landscape Biodiversity Lab @ Montana State University

U.S. Long Term Ecological Research Network

~ NGOs ~

Center for Large Landscape Conservation (CLLC)

Connectivity Conservation Specialist Group (CCSG)

    · Key international working group on connectivity.

     · CCSG's work is mostly posted at the Conservation Corridor website.

Conservation Alliance


Cultural Landscape Foundation (TCLF)

     · "...A non-profit established in 1998, The Cultural Landscape Foundation® (TCLF) connects people

       to places. TCLF educates and engages the public to make our shared landscape heritage more

       visible, identify its value, and empower its stewards.”

EcoAgriculture Partners

Futurescapes [UK]

Global Conservation

     · "...the only nature conservation group who's sole mission is the direct funding of park

       protection systems for saving our most important and endangered world heritage and 

       national parks in developing countries."

Global Geoparks Network

Half-Earth Project

     Half Earth Map

Institute for Regional Conservation

Landscape Conservation @ NAASF & USDA-Northeastern Area

Landscape Conservation Cooperative Network [USA, with North American links]

     · “Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs) were established to provide science capacity

       and technical expertise for meeting shared natural and cultural resource priorities. Today, the

       network of 22 LCCs are changing how we think about, plan, and act upon collaborative

       conservation issues in a way that goes beyond boundaries to help the places we love and the

       natural and cultural resources our communities depend on thrive for generations to come."

Living Landscape Observer

     · “To provide observations and information on the emerging fields of landscape scale conservation,

       heritage preservation, and sustainable community development."

Nature Needs Half

     · " international coalition of scientists, conservationists, nonprofits, and public officials

       defending nature at the scale she needs to continue to function for the benefit of all life."

Network for Landscape Conservation

Open Space Institute (OSI)

Rewilding Institute

Rural Voices for Conservation Coalition

Sonoran Institute

     · Flourishing Landscapes program

Watershed Organization Trust

Wild Foundation

Wildlands & Woodlands

     · "...a regional vision that unites and inspires people across New England working to conserve

        New England’s natural heritage and to craft a sustainable future.

Wildlands Network

     · Originally The Wildlands Project (TWP), this was the modern environmental era's first "large

        landscape conservation" initiative.

Wildlife Trusts [UK]

     Landscape Scale Conservation     

World Land Trust

Habitat fragmentation

BIOFRAG database

“Three conditions”

Three Global Conditions for Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use


Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute

Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center

European Wilderness Society

National Wilderness Stewardship Alliance [US]

Wild Foundation

Wilderness Foundation Global

     · “ international alliance of action-oriented, like-minded organizations who understand that

       wilderness areas have local meaning and global significance, with direct importance to human

       well-being and inspiration. Founding members are Wilderness Foundation Africa, Wilderness

       Foundation UK, and the WILD Foundation (USA), with the Wilderness Leadership School (KwaZulu

       Natal, South Africa) as a patron partner.


     · “ is a website formed in 1996 through a collaborative partnership between the

        W.A. Franke College of Forestry and Conservation's Wilderness Institute at The University of

        Montana, the Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center and the Aldo Leopold

        Wilderness Research Institute. The latter two partners are the wilderness training and research

        arms of the Federal government, respectively. The program's day-to-day activities are overseen

        by a working group and steering committee with additional oversight provided by the federal

        interagency National Wilderness Steering Committee and Wilderness Policy Council. The

        website educates hundreds of thousands of visitors annually about the benefits of wilderness

        and stewardship of wilderness under the Wilderness Act.”

Wilderness Information Network Home Page [US]

Wilderness Research Center @ University of Idaho

Wilderness Specialist Group

World Wilderness Congress

Man and the Biosphere

International Centre for Sustainable Rural Communities (ICSRC)

Man and the Biosphere @ USNPS History eLibrary


     Man and the Biopshere (MAB) Programme

     Biosphere Reserves

          World Network of Biosphere Reserves



Select readings on large landscape conservation

Large landscape conservation: A strategic framework for policy and action

     · 2010, Lincoln Institute for Land Policy

Sustaining large landscape conservation partnerships

     · Spillane, Audrey L., and Wilson, Ian G. 2012, Sonoran Institute.

USNPS. Scaling up: Collaborative approaches to large landscape Conservation.

Landscape-scale conservation [Wikipedia]

Future of Landscape Scale Conservation in Europe (2016)

Hands Across Borders 2016 conference

Select videos on connectivity & climate change

· How does climate change affect biodiversity?

· Can plants and animals adapt to a changing climate?

· This is the largest corridor experiment in the world

· Habitat Connectivity: Assessing Threats and IDing Conservation Actions

· Introduction to the Staying Connected Initiative

Landscape conservation, connectivity & corridors

12th Wilderness Congress


The terms “landscape scale conservation" and "large landscape conservation" are roughly synonymous. On the basis of an informal Google Scholar search, it appears that the former is the more common term.

More on connectivity can be found on biome-specific pages (e.g., forests, mountains, wetlands, coral reefs, etc).