
A web·guide to the glocal environment



Ecosystem conservation > Landscape conservation >

Contents below:

     · Polar initiatives

       · Marine initiatives

         · European initiatives

           · African initiatives

             · Asian initiatives

               · Australian initiatives

                 · North American initiatives

                   · South American initiatives

Also see transboundary information listed under:

     · World, poles & ocean geography hub

       · Eastern Hemisphere hub

         · Western Hemisphere hub

Polar initiatives

     · Also see Arctic & Antarctica

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition


     · Also see World, poles & ocean geography

Arabian Sea Whale Network (ASWN)

Coral Triangle

     · 5.7Msq/km

     · Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea,

       Timor Leste and Solomon Islands

Caribbean Challenge Initiative

     · a joint effort among 11 Caribbean nations

Baja to Bering (B2B)  

Pacific Oceans and Islands

Eastern Tropical Pacific

Southwest Indian Ocean and African Coast


     · Full title: Consortium for the Conservation of Coastal & Marine Ecosystems in the Western

       indian Ocean (WIO)

     · “WIO-C is a consortium of international and regional Non-Governmental Organizations

       (NGOs) in partnership with intergovernmental organizations that have presence and are

       active in regional marine and coastal ecosystem management in the WIO region.”


     · Also see European transboundary initiatives

Alliance for the Alps

Blue Heart of Europe – Conservation in the Balkans

European Greenbelt

     European Green Belt @ Wikipedia

     European Green Belt @ EuroNatur Foundation


     · Also see African transboundary initiatives

Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA)

     · 520,000sq/km

     · Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia and Angola

Room to Roam, Eastern Africa wildlife corridors

     · Tanzania-Kenya-Rwanda-Mozambique-Zambia-Zimbabwe (and others)

Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP)

     · 1.8M sq/km


     · Also see Asian transboundary initiatives

Hindu Kush Himalayas


Great Eastern Ranges

North America & Central America

     · Also see North America & subpages

Northerns Latitudes Partnerships

   · “The Northern Latitudes Partnerships include three regional partnerships in Alaska and western Canada.

      We work to help communities be culturally, environmentally, and economically secure in a rapidly

      changing North and envision a future where northern lands, waters, and ways of life are sustained for


Rivers Without Borders: A Transboundary Watershed Alliance

Northwest Ecosystem Alliance

Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (Y2Y)

Algonquin to Adirondacks Collaborative (A2A)

     A2A Trail

     Algonquin to Adirondacks @ CPAWS Ottawa Valley

Appalachian Trail Landscape Partnership (ATLP)

Northern Appalachian Trail Landscape Partnership (NATLP)

Reclaiming Appalachia Coalition (RAC)

Staying Connected Initiative

   · “...a visionary partnership working to restore and enhance landscape connections for the benefit

      of people and wildlife across the Northern Appalachian/Acadian region of the eastern U.S. and

     Canada. Each step of the way, from the Tug Hill Plateau and Adirondack Mountains in New York

     across the forests of New England to the Canadian Maritimes, the actions we take in our own

     backyards and communities make a difference.”

Maya Forests

     · Mexico, Belize and Guatemala

South America

     · Also see South America

Andes Amazon Atlantic (AAA)

     · 1.35M sq/km

     · Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, French Guyana, Guyana, Surinam and Venezuela

Large landscape & seascape conservation initiatives

        Where to start

The CLLC maintains a data-

base of more than 130 large

conservation landscapes around

the world at GLOBESCAPES; if

you are searching for particular

landscapes, this is the place to


The more limited number of initiatives listed on this page are intended to meet all or most of the following criteria:

· Very large scale with generally accepted geographical boundaries

· Coherent group of implementing organization(s) working toward a shared, well-articulated vision

· Focus on ecological networks (including protected areas and/or OECMs and ecological corridors and optionally buffers)

· A recognized network of protected areas/ OECMs/corridors present in place and/or aspired to

· Multi-jurisdictional/multi-country/transboundary

· Significant biological diversity in the global context

· Existence of significant cultural and spiritual values in the place

· High degree of current or potential intactness and ecological integrity

· Significant opportunities for restoration activities

· Significant areas of unprotected land, sea or rivers whose fate is yet to be determined

· High degree of climate vulnerability coupled with potential for resiliency

· Opportunities for applying/field testing the knowledge products of all other WCPA Specialists Groups