
A web·guide to the glocal environment



Energy hub >

Contents below:

     · Information                           

       · Institutions

         · Periodicals                        

           · Bioenergy & CCS ("BECCS")     

             · Renewable natural gas (RNG)

Also see:

     · Carbon offsets & markets

        · REDD+ @ Forests & climate change

Bioenergy, biomass, biofuels, biomethane/RNG & BECCS

Energy institutions

Note that all institutions directly related to energy are on the Energy Institutions page.

A note on "renewable"

Note that while bioenergy is classified as a renewable form of energy, there are many unresolved environmental challenges related to how it is implemented in practice.



“...electricity and gas that is generated from organic matter, known as biomass. This can be anything from  plants and timber to agricultural and food waste – and even sewage.”


"...renewable organic material that comes from plants and animals"


"...sometimes used interchangeably with bioenergy, though more commonly it's used specifically to describe liquid bioenergy fuels such as biodiesel (a diesel substitute) and bioethanol (which can be used in petrol engines).”

Renewable Natural Gas (RNG):

“...also known as Sustainable Natural Gas (SNG) or biomethane, is a biogas which has been upgraded to a quality similar to fossil natural gas and having a methane concentration of 90% or greater.”

Bioenergy & Carbon Capture & Storage (BECCS):

“...involves the utilisation of biomass as an energy source and the capture and permanent storage of CO2 produced during the conversion of biomass to energy. There is no singular definition of ‘BECCS’ since it can include a variety of industries, biomass feedstocks and methods of energy conversion. The final use of the biomass also varies widely."