Contents below:
· World Energy Outlook reports
· General information
· Finance & subsidies
World Energy Outlook reports
General & reference information
· "the world’s premier energy event"
· "Track realtime data on public finance for energy around the world. As governments across the
world continue to invest hundreds of billions in the energy system to reboot their economies,
our analysis is expanding to cover more countries and provide a more comprehensive global
picture. Countries are also grouped by regions, which helps to identify trends and patterns in
their local contexts.
· “...helps business leaders across the energy spectrum access and track policy data they need to
advance in today’s transformative energy market.”
· “...GEM is developing a comprehensive set of tools that allow users to zoom out for summaries
and analysis at the regional or global scale, or zoom in for background and details on any
element of the system — coal mine, nuclear power plant, wind farm, oil extraction field, fossil
gas pipeline, or oil tanker.”
Lazard's Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis 2017
· "The No. 1 soure for Oil & Energy News"
· From main page > click on Browse by topic > Energy and Environment > multiple energy-
related topics.
Finance & subsidies
Public Finance for Energy Database
· "...a project of Oil Change International, and was formerly called the Shift the Subsidies Database.
It is the only publicly available database tracking international finance for energy from more than
one government-owned institution. We track energy finance from G20 governments’ export credit
agencies (ECAs) and development finance institutions (DFIs), as well as the major multilateral
development banks (MDBs)."