
A web·guide to the glocal environment



Energy hub >

Contents below:

     · Directories

       · International organizations & initiatives

         · Government agencies

           · Networks

             · NGOs

               · Industry & related associations

                 · Energy companies

                   · Consulting firms

Also see:

     · USA ~ Climate change & air pollution

       · Climate change institutions

           · Divestment & re/investment


List of renewable energy organizations @ Wikipedia

International organizations & initiatives

     · This listing includes “quasi-international organizations

Association of European Renewable Energy Research Centres (EUREC)

     · "EUREC, created in 1991, is the leading association representing research centres and university

           departments active in the area of renewable energy."

Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM)

     · “...a high-level global forum to promote policies and programmes that advance clean energy

       technology, to share lessons learned and best practices, and to encourage the transition to a

       global clean energy economy.”

Convention on Migratory Species (CMS)

     Energy Task Force

Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP)

Green Power Partnership [USEPA]

International Energy Agency

International Energy Charter

International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP)

Sustainable Energy for All (SEforAll)


     Compact Registry

Government agencies

Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA-E)

US National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

     Our accomplishments


Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP)

Women’s Energy Network (WEN)

Research institutions & NGOs

American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity

American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy

     · "...a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization, acts as a catalyst to advance energy efficiency policies,

          programs, technologies, investments, and behaviors. We are working for a future in which

          energy efficiency helps the United States achieve economic prosperity, energy security, and

          a healthy environment."

American Energy Society


Bailout Watch

     · “The BailoutWatch team draws on publicly-available data, news reports, and new analysis to examine

        how oil, gas, coal, and related industries are being propped up by the government’s response to

        COVID-19 and the resulting recession.”

Center on Global Energy Policy

Center for Resource Solutions (CRS)

Clean Cooking Alliance

     · Formerly the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves  

Connecticut Green Bank

Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) [Asia]

Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

     Energy Systems and Climate Analysis


     · International network on gender and sustainable energy

Energy Allies

Energy Futures Initiative (EFI)

Energy Geographies Research Group

Energy Innovation Reform Project

Energy Transition: The Global Energiewende

Fossil Free Media

Fuel Poverty Research Network

Indo-German Energy Forum

Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (ITIF)

     Clean Energy Innovation

Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis

     · "...conducts research and analyses on financial and economic issues related to energy and the

        environment. The Institute’s mission is to accelerate the transition to a diverse, sustainable and

        profitable energy economy.”

Institute for Energy Research (IER)

International Association for Energy Economics

Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC)

     · “In 2021, IREC merged with The Solar Foundation, a national nonprofit that has led the advancement

       of solar energy and solar-compatible technologies since 1977. Together, we are excited to deepen

       our impact across all clean energy technologies.”

King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARCH)

National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)

     · Energy

Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI)

Oxford Institute for Energy Studies


     · "The world’s most influential companies, committed to 100% renewable power."

     · A project of the Climate Group


     · "...the only global renewable energy community of actors from science, governments, NGOs

          and industry. We provide up-to-date and peer-reviewed facts, figures and analysis of

          global developments in technology, policies and markets. Our goal: enable decision-

          makers to make the transition to renewable energy happen – now.”

Renewables 100 Policy Institute

     Go 100%

Rocky Mountain Institute

Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE)

     · Unavailable as of 2024-03

Solutions Project

     · "What began in 2013 as a call for what’s possible is now a movement that has changed the standard

      for clean energy. And our grantee partners have led the way and are still working to make sure every

     100% commitment is rooted in equity. 160 cities. Over ten counties. Eight states. 242 companies.

     All have committed to 100% renewable energy — and now must commit to a just transition."

Stanford Precourt Institute for Energy

Sustainable Energy Society of Southern Africa (SESSA)

World Energy & Meteorology Council

World Energy Council

Wuppertal Institute


          · An environmental initiative to make clean and sustainable energy a default solution for basic

          energy needs in developing regions through local and regional networks marketing and


Industry & related associations

Advanced Engine Systems Institute

Advanced Power Alliance

American Clean Power (ACP)

American Exploration and Production Council (AEPC)

Americans for Prosperity

     Energy page

Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE)

Edison Electric Institute

EnerGeo Alliance

Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA)

National Rural Electric Cooperative Association

     Environmental issues

New England Ratepayers Association

     · Advocates against net metering

     · See description at EPI

US Chamber of Commerce

     Global Energy Institute

United States Energy Association

Western Energy Alliance [USA]

Energy companies


      · “Since 2005, Eolian has been an innovative investor in energy projects, including the invention

       of the renewable energy royalty structure that has now become an industry standard. In contrast

       to many firms that raise capital with short-term buy and sell strategies, Eolian and its partners

       have long-term views of 30+ years. This allows for a unique perspective on energy investing and

       an alignment with the long-term generation planning perspective of utilities, independent power

       producers and power market operators.”

Consulting firms



Breakthrough Energy

     · Coalition

     · Ventures

Business Renewables Center & Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance

     · BRC Deal Tracker

      · “The Business Renewables Center (BRC) is a member-based platform that streamlines andaccelerates corporate purchasing of off-site,

        large-scale wind and solar energy.”

ClearView Energy Partners

Energy Innovation Policy & Technology LLC


Greentown Labs


Native Energy


     · “OPIS delivers energy prices, news, data and analysis you can trust across the entire fuel supply

       chain – in real time, around the world.”

Synapse Energy Economics, Inc.

WindSail Capital Group

Energy-focused institutions

Differentiating between energy institutions & climate change institutions

This page lists institutions with a direct, strong, and clear focus on energy sources per se. Note that there is no clear dividing line between Energy institutions (this page) and Climate change institutions, and a plethora of energy-relevant institutions will be found under the latter.

Institutions focused on particular forms of energy

While his page lists institutions that address the broad topic of energy; institutions focused on a particular form of energy (solar, wind, fossil fuels, etc.) can be found at their respective pages (see Energy hub).