Contents below:
· Information
· Educational materials
· Periodicals
· Policy tools
· Degrowth
· Key readings
· Environmental certification & ecolabelling
Also see:
Environmental economics @ IMF eLibrary
Environmental economics @ USEPA
Economic Value of Protecting Our Lands and Waters @ LTA
· “...IDEAS is the largest bibliographic database dedicated to Economics and available freely on
the Internet. Based on RePEc, it indexes over 4,100,000 items of research, including over
3,700,000 that can be downloaded in full text.”
· Not focused on sustainabilty/environment/conservation, but homepage has a useful search
function (eg, a search for <<payment for ecosystem services>> resulted in 574 results).
Educational materials
· "An open-access platform for anyone who wants to understand the economics of innovation,
inequality, environmental sustainability, and more."
· Key text: Economy, Society, and Public Policy
Economics in Context Initiative (ECI) @ Boston University
Theory and Education Program @ GDAE
✔︎info@⇾List of environmental economics journals @ Wikipedia
Environmental and Resource Economics
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy
African Wildlife Economy Institute
Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy
Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF)
Environmental Market Solutions Lab (emLab)
European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
Foundation for Research on Economics & Environment (FREE)
Global Development and Environment Institute (GDAE)
Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP)
Institute for Economics and the Environment (Portland State University)
International Amenity Migration Centre (IAMC)
International Society for Environmental Economics (ISEE)
· Interdisciplinary society dedicated to bringing together members from around the world to
COP meetings and publishing their work.
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
Environment and Energy Economics
National Stewardship Action Council [US]
Property and Environment Research Center (PERC)
Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies
· Focused on theoretical research of environmental economics and study of environmental
policy in the real world.
World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER)
· @ UNU ~ United Nations University
Policy tools
· Common economic mechanisms used to internalise environmental costs in the market.
Green trading [Wikipedia]
Environmental taxation ("Ecotaxes") [OECD site]
Cap and trade [EDF site]
Degrowth @ WEF
Degrowth @ Wikipedia
Degrowth: the history of an idea @ Digital Encyclopedia of European History
· “An academic association dedicated to research, training, awareness raising and events
organization around degrowth”
Key readings
- Costanza, Robert. 1989. What is ecological economics? Ecological Economics 1:1, 1-7.
Environmental & ecological economics
Environmental economics is a sub-field
within Economics concerned with
addressing environmental issues
through market approaches,
cost-benefit analyses, and a range
of concepts from free-riding to
Ecological economics, in contrast,
views the market as subsystem of our
natural ecosystem and places its
focus on the preservation of natural