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A web·guide to the glocal environment



Environmental hub >

Contents below:

     · Periodicals

       · Institutions:

              ~ International organizations

              ~ Associations & networks

              ~ NGOs

              ~ Private sector firms

         · Teaching resources

           · Online education programs & content

             · Fellowships

               · Select readings

Also see:

     · Opportunities, employment & internships

       · Ex situ institutions

         · Academia & higher education

           · Higher education institutions & programs, A>Z

             · Climate change communications, education & simulations

               · Education @ Marine information


Canadian Journal of Environmental Education

Children, Youth & Environments (CYE)

Interdisciplinary Journal of Environmental and Science Education

Institutions ~ International organizations

Global Environmental Education Partnership (GEEP)

UNEP Youth and Education Alliance (YEA!)

Institutions ~ Associations

American Association for Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)

Association for Environmental Studies & Sciences

Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment

International Environmental Communication Association (IECA)

     · “...a professional nexus of practitioners, teachers, scholars, students, artists and organizations

       engaged in research and action to find more ethical and effective ways to communicate about

       environmental concerns in order to move society towards sustainability.”

North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE)

Institutions ~ Networks & initiatives

Children & Nature Network (C&NN)

     Natural Leaders Initiative

Conservation Leadership Programme (CLP)

Green Education Foundation

Network of Conservation Educators & Practitioners

UCAR Center for Science Education

     Learning Zone

US Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development

Institutions ~ NGOs

Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Programs

E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center

Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE)

     Earth Action Hub

National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF)

     · “...the nation’s leading organization in lifelong environmental learning, creating opportunities for

       people to experience and learn about the environment in ways that improve their lives and the

       health of the planet. Congressionally chartered in 1990 as a 501c3 nonprofit to complement the

       work of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), NEEF is a non-partisan, non-advocacy

       organization working to make the environment more accessible, relatable, relevant, and

       connected to people’s daily lives.

National Center for Science Education

     · “ interdisciplinary social science think tank collaborating with change-makers to build a

       strong, healthy democracy and thriving biosphere.”

Seaside Sustainability

     · "...composed of a small, dedicated, and streamlined staff with over 185 years of combined experience

      in the fields of Biology, Science, Engineering, Bacuntry Medicine, Training and Development,

     Business Entrepreneurship, and Experiential Education.  Unified by our shared passions for engagement

        with the natural world, we inspire citizens to ask questions, challenge assumptions, and draw their own conclusions."

Turning Green

     · “...a community that makes it easy and empowering to take collective action towards sustainability.

        We are the hub for individuals and organizations to learn, connect, and harmonize our efforts to

        effect a system change bigger than any of us.”

Institutions ~ Private sector firms

Big Duck Smart Communications for Nonprofits (click on "Environment")

Teaching resources

     · In addition, many teaching resources can be found at the links below this section, particularly

       the institutional sections.

Conservation Corridor Teacher Resources


EduWeb>By Subject>Natural History

Flying Wild K-12 Guide

Global Education Project: Earth

Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program

HHMI BioInteractive

     · "..."...brings the power of real science stories into tens of thousands of high school and

     undergraduate life science classrooms. Our stories anchor a variety of classroom resources

     based on peer-reviewed science. From data-rich activities and case studies to high-quality

     videos and interactive media, our resources are designed to connect students to big ideas

     in biology, promote engagement with science practices, and instill awe and wonder about

     the living world."

If trees could talk: Middle school curriculum (Forest History Society)

National Environmental Education Week


NBII Education Resources

NOAA Planet Steward education project

Project Learning Tree

Project Wild

Alliance of World Scientists & Scientists Warning Foundation

     · Journal Articles Related To Scientists’ Warning

     · Discover Scientists’ Warning Resources & Knowledgebase

Society for Conservation Biology: Education/Teaching

U.S. Forest Service (links to teacher & student resources)

Welcome to the Anthropocene

Wild Classroom @ WWF

Online education programs & content

MOOC Conservation

Conservation Coaches Network (CCNet)

Earth School @ TEDEd


     Nature & Environment courses

Rainforest and Reef Field Courses


Global Policy, Diplomacy, and Sustainability (GPODS)

Select readings

Conserving wildlife: International education and communication approaches

Environmental education & communications