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A web·guide to the glocal environment



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Contents below:

      · Information

             ~ General

             ~ Climate

        · Periodicals

          · Institutions

            · Timelines

                ~ General

                ~ Climate


     · master timeline

Information ~ General

Environmental History Resources

H-Environment: Environmental history on the Internet

Romantic Natural Histories

USNPS History eLibrary

Information ~ Climate

Climate Change and History Research Initiative

Climate change in the 1970s

Climate Files

     · "... an archival database of news, information and documents. The information

     compiled here is collected from various sources and is based on more more than

     20 years of research and data collection."

Climate History Network

     Zotero Bibliographical Project

Discovery of Global Warming by Spencer Weart


Climate of the Past

Environment and History

Environmental History

     · Formed from the merger of Forest & Conservation History and Environmental History Reviews

Forest History Today

International Journal of Maritime History

International Review of Environmental History

Rural Landscapes: Society, Environment, History


International Big History Association

International Consortium of Environmental History Organizations

American Society for Environmental History

European Society for Environmental History

Forest History Society

Society for the History of Technology (SHOT)


Timelines ~ General

Timeline of Environmental Movement and History @ PBS

Bird Conservation Timeline (USFWS)

Conservation Timeline 1901-2000


Environmental History Timeline

Environmental milestones @ WorldWatch

Evolution of the Conservation Movement, 1850-1920

International Maritime Organization (IMO)

Land Conservation in the US

Migratory Bird Treaty Centennial timeline

USFWS History: A timeline for fish & wildlife conservation

USNPS timeline

Timelines ~ Climate

A timeline of climate science and policy

Climate: History & future by powers of 10

Timeline (milestones) @ Discovery of Global Warming by Spencer Weart

UNFCCC timeline

Environmental & climate history

History CO2  emissions - WRI