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A web·guide to the glocal environment



Environmental hub >

Contents of this page:       

      · Periodicals

        · Institutions & Networks

          · Reporting

            · Science communications


     · Environmental accounting systems (eg, alternatives to GDP/GNP)

       · Environmental & climate indicators & risk

         · Environmental data

           · Threat assessment

             · Citizen science

Also see:

     · Encyclopedias & information sources

       · Science & research sector

         · Climate change science

           · Bioscience, biodiversity indicators, conservation mapping & evidence

             · Taxonomy, systematics & biogeography ~ Data & information


Environmental and Sustainability Indicators

Institutions & networks

Group on Earth Observations (GEO)

In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System (IAGOS)

Tropical Ecology Assessment & Monitoring (TEAM) Network

Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative (AGEDI)

Accountability Framework Initiative

B Lab / B Analytics / B Impact Assessment     

     · GIIRS fund ratings

Committee on Sustainable Assessment (COSA)

     · COSA provides a series of indicators for the sustainability of consumer products (Coca-Cola and Nestle

     among others) using in depth analysis aligned with the mandates of international accords.


Group on Earth Observations (GEO)

     Earth Observation for Ecosystem Accounting initiative (EO4EA)

International Asssociation for Impact Assesment (IAIA)


KPMG’s Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting

Global Reporting Initiative

Science communications


     · "...where graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and science professionals come together

          to write easy-to-read, compelling summaries of recent, cutting-edge research papers in

          environmental science to make them accessible to non-experts. We want to share our passion

          for research with all non-scientists who are interested to learn more about the environment:

          This ranges in scale from identifying science problems and solutions in cities to explaining the

          complex environmental challenges facing our planet as a whole.”

Environmental & sustainability science

“Environmental science” encompasses the topic of

   environmental indicators. Note that each of these

   words—both environmental and indicators—have

   multiple synonyms, near-synonyms, & semantic

   overlaps with other terms. These include:

     · Environmental: ecological, sustainability,  

                               sustainable development  

     · Indicators: analysis, footprint, impact  

                         reporting, indices & monitoring

   Consequently, this page covers a wide range of

   related topics under may labels, ranging from

   “ecological assessment” to “sustainable

    development monitoring.”