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Freshwater hub >

Contents below:

     · International organizations & initiatives

       · Research & educational institutions

         · Professional associations

           · NGOs                        

             · Private sector

Also see:

     · Freshwater-related research initiatives & programs at Academic programs & degrees

       · Countries A>Z and World geography & transboundary regions for place-based freshwater information

International organizations & initiatives

Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO)

     See Fisheries institutions

     Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG)

Global Environment Facility (GEF)  

     International Waters

          · fostering transboundary cooperation

Global Water Partnership

     · "GWP mobilises action on the global water crisis through a unique combination of social capital,

     shared values, credibility within the global water community, bottom-up orientation, and expertise.

     A network of networks, we ensure the ‘voices of water’ can influence local, national, regional, and

     global development priorities. We are committed to our role as a neutral convener and respected

     for our focus on inclusiveness and sustainability."

International Law Association (ILA)

     Water Committee (click on "Water Resources Law (1990-2004)")

          Berlin Rules on Water Resources

               · Based on 1966 Helsinki Rules on the Uses of the Waters of International Rivers

International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)

     BRIDGE - Building River Dialogue and Governance


UN Water [Interagency Mechanism on all Freshwater Related Issues, Including Sanitation]


     Global Environment Monitoring System for freshwater (GEMS/Water)

          Global Freshwater Quality Database (GEMStat)

     IWRM Data Portal [Integrated Water Resources Management]

     UNEP-DHI Centre on Water and Environment

     Vital Water Graphics


     Transboundary Waters Programme


       Water for Life Decade


     Water Security

     Intergovernmental Hydrology Programme  


     Youth Out Loud

UN Global Compact

     Water Action Hub

           · "...raises awareness, catalyzes collaboration, and scales critical lessons on water sustainability and climate resilience around the world."         

UN Interagency Mechanism on all Freshwater Related Issues

     Transboundary Waters

UN University

     Institute for Water, Environment and Health

US/China Clean Energy Research Center for Water-Energy Technologies

World Bank

     Water Partnership Program

          Water Global Practice

     Cooperation in International Waters in Africa (CIWA)

Research & educational institutions

Global Water Center @ University of Nevada

Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology (CAWST)

Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) [Asia]

Global Institute for Water Security @ Saskatchewan, University of

Global Water Futures (GWF) @ National Hydrology Research Centre [Canada]

Global Water Policy Project

IHE-Delft Institute for Water Education

Kyl Center for Water Policy @ Arizona State University

Meadows Center for Water and the Environment


Program in Water Conflict Management and Transformation @ Oregon State University

Shared Waters Lab @ Fletcher School, Tufts University

Stroud Water Research Center

Water Policy Center @ Public Policy Institute of California

Water Research Foundation

Professional associations

American Water Works Association

International Water Association

     · “ open, yet ordered platform in which both innovators and adopters of new technologies and

       approaches can generate creative friction. It is a place for diffusion, benchmarking and evidence.

       Our programmes develop research and projects focused on solutions for water and wastewater

       management; we organise world-class events that bring the latest science, technology and best

       practice to the water sector at large; we work to place water on the global political agenda and to

       influence best practice in regulation and policy making; and we do this via the IWA’s global



Alliance for Global Water Adatation (AGWA)

Ceres Water

Charity: water

Clean Water Action

Embrace Relief Water

Evidence ActionDispensers for Safe Water

Food & Water Action

Food & Water Watch

Freshwater Trust

Global Water Initiative @ WEF

International Water Management Institute


Pacific Institute

     · global water think tank

Primary Water Institute

Soil & Water Conservation Society (SWCS)

Stockholm International Water Institute

US Water Alliance


Water Environment Federation

Water is Life Movement

Water Project


     Water Pollution

Private sector

Aqualonis CloudFisher for fog harvesting


Good Stuff International (GSI)



Sustainable Water Solutions [Australia]

Water Politics Limited

Zero Mass Water


Freshwater institutions