Global environmental politics (GEP) hub >
Contents below:
· Networks
· Emailing lists ("listservs")
· Syllibi
· Online education & lectures
Climate Pipeline Project @ Climate Solutions Lab, Watson Institute, Brown University
Political Scientists for Sustainability
GEP emailing lists ("listservs")
· Description from ISA-ESS: "This list provides a forum for discussing substantive and pedagogical issues
related to the teaching of global environmental politics (GEP) at the undergraduate and graduate level.
The list was initially organized to provide a place for college and university teachers of GEP to compare
notes and explore alternative curricular and pedagogical approaches."
· Archives
Energy and Social Science Network (EASSN)
· "This list exists to discuss how social and technical issues related to both energy production and
consumption interact. It is open to people from any discipline, country, region, or level of experience,
and also not limited to any particular technology, sector, or topic."
EnvironmentalGovernance mailing list
Brown University's Watson Institute
GEP online education & lectures
Anthropology Mini Lectures: A collective resource for online teaching in the time of COVID19
International Environmental Politics Course videos ~ Ron Mitchell
Digital Learning for Sustainable Development (dl4sd.org)