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Global environmental politics (GEP) hub >

Contents below:

    · UN system databases

      · Other databases

        · Older & defunct databases

Also see GEP Research guides & publications for help on searching for MEAs

UN system databases

ECOLEX: A Gateway to Environmental Law

     · About page

     · " information service on environmental law, operated jointly by FAO, IUCN and UNEP. Its

        purpose is to build capacity worldwide by providing the most comprehensive possible global

        source of information on environmental law...includes information on treaties, international

        soft-law and other non-binding policy and technical guidance documents, national legislation,

        judicial decisions, and law and policy literature.”

FAOLEX Database

    · Background page

     · "...a comprehensive and up-to-date legislative and policy database, one of the world's largest  

       online repositories of national laws, regulations and policies on food, agriculture and natural  

       resources management. Users of FAOLEX have direct access to the abstracts and indexing  

       information about each text, as well as to the full text of the legislation and policies contained

       in the database.”

InforMEA: UN Information Portal on MEAs

    · About page

UN Treaty Series

     · This link is to a search function for convention titles, but there are several other ways to search this  

       database (which includes nearly all international agreements post-1945).

Other databases

Environmental Conventions Index (ECI)

     · " overview of global efforts to meet four environmental agreements (Basel, CITES, Stockholm,

       and Ramsar).”

International Environmental Agreements Database Project

     · “...the most comprehensive, reliable and detailed repository of IEAs. Initiated in 2002 by prof.

       Ronald Mitchell (University of Oregon) and now maintained at Université Laval, it is widely used

       by policy-makers and researchers around the world.”

Older & defunct databases

Environmental Treaties & Resource Indicators (ENTRI)

    · Decommissioned; see here for context.     

Fletcher School Multilaterals Project

    · Archived; see here for context.

Info repository: Multilateral Environmental Agreements

    · Has not been updated in a long time.


     · "Issue based modules for coherent implementation of biodiversity related conventions"

What's the difference between ratification & accession, approval & adoption? See the UN's glossary of terms relating to treaty actions

Multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs), conventions & treaties




& Summary

Where to start?

There are pros and cons for

each of the databases

listed on this page.

Though not a recommendation on which one is "best," a very helpful place to start is with the

IEA Database Project:

Note: from the main page,

click on Agreements in the topline-menu to get to

the search function.