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A web·guide to the glocal environment



General information



Trade & Environment Nexus

    · Defunct as of 2023.

Observatory of Economic Complexity (OEC)

World Top Exports

About “trade & the environment”

Guide to trade policy and global environmental change @ ENTRI

Trade & environment @ Global Affairs Canada

Trade & environment @ International Trade Center

Sustainable & fair trade

Fairtrade and Sustainability @ Fairtrade Foundation

How Does Fair Trade Protect the Environment?

What is Sustainable Trade? @ TDC

Sustainable Trade @ Government of the Netherlands


BIORES: Analysis and news on trade and environment

International Trade Forum Magazine

     Green Economy

International organizations

Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD)

     Environment & Trade

UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

     Trade, environment, climate change & sustainable development

World Customs Organization (WCO)

     Sustainable Development

World Trade Organization (WTO)

     Trade & environment

     Trade & Environment News Archive

NGOs & fair trade initiatives

Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions and Aid to Citizens

     · "Association pour la Taxation des Transactions financière e l'Aide aux Citoyens" (ATTAC)

Citizens Trade Campaign

Fair Trade Campaigns

Fairtrade Foundation

Fair Trade Association of Australia and New Zealand

Fair Trade Certified

Global Exchange

Global Maritime Forum

IDH: The sustainable trade initiative

Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy (IATP)

International Center for Trade and Sustainable Development Development

Public Citizen

     Globalization & Trade

Trade for Development Center (TDC)

Union for Ethical Biotrade (UEBT)

Fair trade Companies

Interior Trading Company

Select readings

Environment and Trade: Should We Be Worried or Happy about Globalization?

Stanford FSE: Globalization, Trade, and the Environment: The Case of Brazil

World Trade Organization: Making Globalization Socially Sustainable

Eco-Business: Sustainability is the Forgotten Half of Globalisation, Says Achim Steiner

Harvard University: Environmental Effects of International Trade

OECD Trade and Environment Working Papers

     · Studies on the policy interface between trade and environment with a range of various subtopics

Oxford Research Encyclopedias: International Political Economy and the Environment

International Trade Centre: Globalization: In the Era of Environmental Crisis

Trade & globalization

Contents of this page:

     · General information

      · About “trade & the environment”

        · Sustainable & fair trade

          · Periodicals                 

            · Institutions

                   ~ International organizations

                   ~ NGOs

                   ~ Fair trade companies

              · Select readings

Also see:

     · Transnational environmental crime (TEC) & corruption

       · Wildlife trafficking, illegal trade & poaching

Scarlett Ren (2023) of Brandeis University contributed to this page.




& Summary