
A web·guide to the glocal environment



Land use hub >

Contents below:

     · Information

      · News & periodicals

        · International law

          · Soils

            · Rangeland

              · Pests

                · Sustainable agriculture

                  · Conservation ranching

                    · Food loss & waste

                      · Food choices & cooking

                        · Cookbooks


     · Agricultural institutions

       · Agriculture & climate change

Also see:

     · Tree identification & taxa

       · Land degradation & desertification

         · Genetic resources, bioprospecting & ABS

           · Biotechnology, GMOs & LMOs

             · Plant taxa, including cultivated & crop species, varieties & breeds


Accountability Framework Initiative (AFi)

Behind the Brands

Domestic Animal Diversity Information System

Food Trust

     · “...the only network of its kind to connect participants across the food supply through a permissioned,

     permanent and shared record of food system data.”

Global Agriculture

     · “On behalf of the United Nations and the World Bank, in a four-year-process, more than 400

        scientists summarised the state of global agriculture, its history and its future. The outcome was

        the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development

       (IAASTD). The findings are uncomfortable and alarming: providing a warning on the misleading

       ways of the past and showing new ways forward. This website makes the IAASTD’s findings

       available by topics, and offers all reports as well as updated figures, background information and


Global Croplands

Global Hunger Index

     · Along with policy recommendations to combat hunger, also publishes yearly reports to track the issue

          at global, regional, and national levels.

Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC)

     · " innovative multi-partner initiative for improving food security and nutrition analysis and

     decision-making. By using the IPC classification and analytical approach, Governments, UN

     Agencies, NGOs, civil society and other relevant actors, work together to determine the severity

     and magnitude of acute and chronic food insecurity, and acute malnutrition situations in a

     country, according to internationally-recognised scientific standards.

How food connects all the SDGs @ SRC

Nordic Nutrition Recommendations

Our world in Data

     · At this site, click on Articles-by-topic > Food and Agriculture to see the following data links:

State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (FAO)

News & periodicals

Agriculture and Environment

Agriculture and Human Values

Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment

Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems


Civil Eats

Counter, The


Crop and Environment

Crops & Soils

Farm Journal News

Food Policy

Food Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal

Future of Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture and Society

International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Development

International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch

Journal of Agriculture and Environment

Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development

Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Ethics

Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences

Journal of Agriculture, Biological and Environmental Statistics

Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment

Massive ScienceFood for thought     

Nature Food

International law

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA)

     · also known as the Farmers’ Rights Treaty or Seed Treaty


FAO Soils Portal

Global Soil Partnership


Rangelands Atlas


Global Locust Initiative

Sustainable agriculture

Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture Standard

Conservation ranching

Audubon Conservation Ranching program

Food loss & waste

Reducing Food Loss and Waste @ Commission on Environmental Cooperation

Too Good To go

Food choices & cooking

Earthling Ed

Farmer Foodie


One Green Planet



Take Extinction Off Your Plate campaign @ Center for Biological Diversity (CBD)

Vegan Food and Living



     · Plant-based cheese


Ecological Cooking (1992)

Vegetarian Epicure (1972)

Agriculture & food

2024 Global Report on Food Crises
FAO state food security