
A web·guide to the glocal environment



Land use hub > Agriculture >

Contents below:

   · Information     

     · Institutions ~ International organizations

       · Institutions ~ NGOs

         · Select readings on agriculture & climate change

Information & initiatives

Agriculture page @ 2014 US National Climate Assessment

Agrculture and climate change @ USDA Economic Research Service

Climate resilient agriculture @ Feed the Future


Cool Food @ WRI

Effects of climate change on agriculture @ Wikipedia

Institutions ~ International organizations


     · Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)

     · Big Facts

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

     · Climate change

     · Climate Smart Agriculture Sourcebook

     · Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture (GACSA)

     · Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture

World Food Program (WFP)

     Climate change

     Food Insecurity & Climate Change map

Institutions ~ NGOs & networks

ℹ> 21 NGOs working on climate change & agriculture @ Food Tank

"4 per 1000" Initative

   · "The aim of the initiative is to demonstrate that agriculture, and in particular agricultural soils can

     play a crucial role where food security and climate change are concerned."

Initiative for Coffee & Climate (C&C)

OpenTEAM — Open Technology Ecosystem for Agricultural Management

Salk Institute for Biological Sciences

     Harnessing Plants Initiative


Select readings on agriculture & climate change

     · In reverse chronological order

Climate change and the urgency to transform food systems

     · 2022  ~  Monika Zurek, Aniek Hebinck, Odirilwe Selomane  ~  Science

     · Overview of how food systems contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and must be adapted to

       cope with climate change impacts

     · Explores three distinct major pathways through which the food system contributes to GHG

       emissions that also present entry points for transformation

     · Underscores the importance of recognizing existing power imbalances, vested interests, and

       fragmented policy making while implementing mitigation options in food systems

Our food system isn't ready for the climate crisis

     · 2022  ~  Nina Lakhani, Alvin Chang, Rita Liu, Andrew Witherspoon  ~  The Guardian

     · Discusses how genetic diversity is pivotal to natural adaptation to climate change through the case

       studies of various crops

     · Emphasizes how cultivating and eating genetically diverse food offers protection against pests and

       disease and boosts overall resilience in food systems

Regenerative agriculture and its potential to improve farmscape function

     · 2022  ~  Tom O'Donoghue  ~  Sustainability

     · Explores the origins, intentions, and potential for regenerative agriculture as a movement

     · Proposes a new Farmscape Function framework to monitor change in agricultural resources over


Transforming landscapes and mindscapes through regenerative agriculture

     · 2021  ~  Ethan Gordon, Federico Davila, Chris Riedy  ~  Agriculture and Human Values

     · Offers regenerative agriculture as a discursive alternative to traditional industrial-productivist agriculture

     · Presents three transformative opportunities: discourse coalitions, translocal organizing, and collective learning

Regenerative agriculture 101

     · 2021  ~  Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

     · Synthesizes the main principles of regenerative agriculture, techniques, and their connection to

       climate change through carbon sequestration strategies and building climate resilience

     · Incorporates insights from more than 100 farmers and ranchers, demonstrating how advocacy

       for regenerative agriculture must address social, cultural, and historical inequities

     · Discusses how improving social health is instrumental in climate change mitigation

IPCC WGII Sixth Assessment Report: Chapter 5

     · 2021 ~ IPCC ~ IPCC

     · This chapter pertains to “Food, Fibre, and other Ecosystem Products”

     · The most respected authority concerning the science and effects of climate change

     · Most recent report, the science reflects current world conditions

Agriculture’s contribution to climate change and role in mitigation is distinct from predominantly fossil CO2-emitting sectors

     · 2021 ~ John Lynch et al. ~ University of Oxford, Cranfield University, and Victoria University of Wellington

     · While many articles focus on the impact that climate change has on agriculture, this focuses on the reverse,

        displaying that agriculture has had a profound impact on climate change

     · The authors ask that gas emissions be reported differently in the future, as they do not accurately represent current action

     · The authors stress that important actions should be taken in the agricultural sector to mitigate the effects of climate change

IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land

     · 2019, United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

     · Visible and influential IPCC special report

     · Covers impact of agriculture on climate change and vice versa

Climate Change Is Likely to Devastate the Global Food Supply. But There's Still Reason to Be Hopeful

     · 2019 – Amanda Little – Time Magazine

     · Clear and concise explanation of climate change effects on food security

     · Describes the abstract and somewhat unseen issue of food security in a comprehensive manner

     · Explains the types of solutions available to deal with food security in current food systems and

       practices, especially related to climate change

Fourth National Climate Assessment Chapter 10: Agriculture and Rural Communities

     · 2018 – Carolyn Olson et al. – U.S. Global Change Research Program

     · Part of a very visible and widely read U.S. government report

     · Discusses likely impacts of climate change on agriculture for an American audience

Methods for Measuring Greenhouse Gas Balances and Evaluating Mitigation Options in Smallholder Agriculture

     · 2017 ~ Rosenstock, Todd S. ~ Springer Nature

     · Resource on the implications and impacts that various greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere have

       on smallholder agriculture and local farmers.

     · Provides insights on suggested systems that would help improve the climate crisis through more

       regulated and sustainable forms of agriculture.

Leveraging Climate Regulation by Ecosystems for Agriculture to Promote Ecosystem Stewardship

     · 2017 ~ Avery Cohan ~ Tropical Conservation Science

     · Overview of methods of mitigating climate change through the examination and exploitation

       of ecosystem services that are provided by tropical forests

     · Researching the beneficial effects on croplands yields that are close to tropical forest.

     · Possible reversing effect of damage caused by monoculture agriculture.

The Carbon Farming Solution

     · 2016 - Eric Toensmeier – Chelsea Green Publishing

     · Presents the importance of agriculture in a sustainable future.

     · Describes how agriculture constitutes a vital solution that needs to be used to fight climate change

     · Presents and explains the idea and practice of Carbon Farming

A Sustainable Food System for the European Union

     · 2016 - Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA)

     · Examines and presents the scope of threats to food security and how different factors including

       climate change are putting food systems at risk

     · Presents a comprehensive plan on creating sustainable food systems in the European Union

     · Shows a framework that can be adapted and implemented globally

Sustainable Water Management in Agriculture Under Climate Change

     · 2015 ~ Konstantinos Chartzoulakisa & Maria Bertaki ~ Institute for Olive Tree and Subtropical Plants

     · Focuses on a critical aspect of sustainable agriculture: water conservation

     · Description of multiple types of recommended irrigation and agricultural techniques that farmers can

       use to irrigate in a more sustainable way

New insights explain that drought stress enhances the quality of spice and medicinal plants: potential applications

     · 2014 ~ Maik Kleinwachter & Dirk Selmar ~ Agronomy for Sustainable Development

     · Potential beneficial effects that drought could have on a sample of medicinal plants.

     · While the results of this study is not conclusive there are potential benefits that can be utilized.

      In areas where there is decreased levels of rainfall, plants in these categories could potentially

      be farmed.

Achieving Food Security in the Face of Climate Change

     · 2012 ~ John R. Beddington, et al ~ CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)

     · Final Report from the Commission on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change

     · Brings together authors of various nationalities to create a list of essential actions for food security and climate stabilization

     · Focuses on the impact that unsustainable agricultural systems will have on the human population in the face of climate change

Organic Agriculture and Climate Change

     · 2010 - Scialabba,N.,& Müller-Lindelauf, M.- Cambridge University Press

     · Presents the potential for implementation and adoption of organic agricultural systems and its potential benefits for the future

     · Provides solutions to different issues related to agricultural systems that can benefit food security

     · Shows the benefits of implantation of organic agricultural systems and adaptation of current ones

        not only for food security but other aspects of sustainability and environmental issues

Soil-atmosphere exchange of greenhouse gases in subtropical plantations of indigenous tree species

     · 2010 ~ Hui wang, et al. ~ Experimental Center of Tropical Forestry, the Chinese Academy of Forestry.

     · Article is discussing the difference in the relationship between the release and uptake of greenhouse

       gasses such C02, CH4, N02 through the indigenous tropical tree species located in plantations

     · Article found that there is a difference between the rate of uptake between the different indigenous

       tree species present in Subtropical China. The finding showed that specifically the Pinus massoniana

        was more proficient than the other trees sampled.

Nitrous Oxide (N2O): The Dominant Ozone-Depleting Substance Emitted in the 21st Century

     · 2009 – AR Ravishankara, John S. Daniel, Robert W. Portmann - Science

     · Agriculture is a key source of N2O, which is both an ozone depleting substance and a greenhouse gas

     · Multiple thousand citations (number varies across sites), published in Science

The impact of Climate Change on Agriculture in Developing Countries

     · 2008 – Robert Mendelsohn - Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research

     · Presents the economic impacts on agriculture due to climate change specifically in developing

        countries as they are disproportionately affected

     · Surveys studies that present data on how developing countries agriculture is being affected currently by climate change

     · Presents the high risk of agricultural collapse facing developing countries due to increased warming

Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture, Land Resources, Water Resources, and Biodiversity in the United States

     · 2008 ~ Peter Backlund Anthony Janetos & David Schimel

     · Extensive read on the effects that climate change has on the different methods of agriculture used in the present day.

     · Gives insight on the many different ecological systems that are present and used in conjunction with climate change and agriculture

     · Provides potential fixes for the issues present in our day in age.

IPCC Fourth Assessment Report §1.3.6

     · 2007 – IPCC - IPCC

     · Important data on how different factors of agriculture are reacting to climate change and continuing emissions

     · Specific information and data about how are food systems are being affected and thus threatened by climate change

Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change

     · 2007 – S. Mark Howden et al. – Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

     · Discusses modern research on potential agricultural adaptions

     · 1000 citations, influential document that came up often in searches

     · In depth analysis of trends in climate change and its effects on agriculture

     · Presents several options for adaptation in agricultural systems

     · Shows costs and benefits as well as the feasibility and ease of these adaptations while presenting

       the importance of adaptation as a whole

Baseline greenhouse gas emissions and removals for forest and agricultural lands in Oregon : PIER collaborative report

     · 2007 ~ Sandra Brown & John Kadyszewski ~ California Energy Commission

     · A source that I found in that details the important baseline data of forests across Oregon

     · Important data showing the history of recorded data of carbon sequestration across the

       board of different locations throughout Oregon

Adaptation Options in Agriculture to Climate Change: a Typology

     · 2002 ~ Barry Smit & Mark W. Skinner ~ University of Guelph Guelph & Queen’s University Kingston

     · Expansive description and review of the types of agricultural adaptation that are necessary such as

       technological developments, government programs and insurance, farm production practices, and     

       farm financial management

     · Surveys a wide range of other respected sources in the field, such as IPCC reports, to create a typology

     · Mostly focuses on agriculture in cold-weather climates such as Canada, where the climate is changing at a much faster rate

An Annotative Bibliography Of Research On The Economic Effects Of Climate Change On Agriculture

     · 1994 - Harry M. Kaiser - University of Minnesota, Department of Applied Economics

     · Provides insight on the economic impacts of climate change on agriculture

     · Analyses the different ways in which climate change will and can potentially affect the agricultural sector

Climate Change and World Agriculture

     · 1990 – Martin Parry – Earthscan Publications Ltd.

     · Published contemporaneously with the IPCC's First Assessment Report (FAR) to provide more context regarding agriculture

     · A major work of a highly-cited and influential authority in the field

     · One of the earlier works to cover the topic in such depth and breadth

Biogeochemical Aspects of Atmospheric Methane

    · 1988, RJ Cicerone and RS Oremland, Global Biogeochemical Cycles

    · One of the earlier documents to discuss agriculture as a significant source of methane

    · 1200 total citations, major contributor to scientific discussion

Agriculture & climate change

This page focuses on both the impacts of climate change on agriculture as well as "climate smart agriculture" (CSA, which notably also stands for community supported agriculture).