Land use hub > Land governance, rights & tenure >
Contents below:
· General information
· Periodicals
· Institutions
~ International organizations
~ NGOs
· Social-ecological systems (SES)
· Select commentary on Garret Hardin's "Tragedy of the Commons"
General information, ideas & approaches
Digital Library of the Commons @ IASC
ejolt [Environmental Justice Organizations, Liabilities and Trade] pages
· Commons
Introduction to Common Pool Resource Theory
· Compiled by Dr. Rebecca L. Gruby with input from commons scholars, September 2020
· "A new collection of 73 essays that describe the enormous potential of the commons in
conceptualizing and building a better future...."
International Journal of the Commons
· “...an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed open-access journal…dedicated to furthering the understanding of
institutions for use and management of resources that are (or could be) enjoyed collectively.”
Institutions ~ International organizations
Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Institutions ~ NGOs
International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC)
· "...devoted to bringing together multi-disciplinary researchers, practitioners and policymakers for the
purpose of improving governance and management, advancing understanding, and creating sustainable
solutions for commons, common-pool resources, or any other form of shared resource."
· "a commons movement strategy center founded in 2001"
Social-ecological systems
Social-Ecological Systems Meta-Analysis Database
Select commentary on Garret Hardin's "Tragedy of the Commons"
· Very much different from the notion of "the commons"—but also very much widely associated
with it—is the problematic notion of the "tragedy of the commons." A very helpful bibliography
is: Introduction to Common Pool Resource Theory, Compiled by Dr. Rebecca L. Gruby.
Amend, Alex. 2019. First as tragedy, then as fascism. The Baffler, September 26.
Cox, Susan Jane Buck. 1985. No tragedy of the commons. Environmental Ethics 7, no. 1: 49-61.
eJolt. Tragedy of the commons: Hardin's mistake.
Janssen, Marco A., Skaidra Smith-Heisters, Rimjhim Aggarwal, and Michael L. Schoon. 2019. ‘Tragedy of the commons’ as conventional wisdom in sustainability education. Environmental Education Research 25, no. 11: 1587-1604.
Hunter, Lori M., and Aseem Prakash. 2019. Hardin’s oversimplification of population growth. Nature Sustainability 2, 78-79.
Kestenbaum, David. 2009. Climate change is victim of ‘tragedy of the commons’. NPR Oregon Public Broadcasting, Morning Edition
Mildenberger, Matto. 2019. The tragedy of the tragedy of the commons. Scientific American, April 23.
On the Commons. No date. Celebrating the commons.
Patt, Anthony. 2017. Beyond the tragedy of the commons: Reframing effective climate change governance. Energy Research & Social Science 34, 1-3.
Webster, D. G. 2015. Beyond the tragedy in global fisheries. MIT Press.
Link to Hardin's 1968 paper in Science:
The commons & common-pool resource management
· This page provides resources
and institutions covering the
definitions, problems, and
solutions concerning
the commons.
· This includes the "global
commons," of which there are,
generally speaking, four
complex international regimes
(links are mostly to respective
EarthWeb.info pages):
· This page also contains
information on Social-
Ecological Systems (SES),
defined as "complex,
integrated systems in which
humans are part of nature."*
· The Bioprospecting page
provides some information
on genetic resources, which
some consider a “global