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A web·guide to the glocal environment



General information

100 Resilient Cities

ASLA Additional Sustainable Design Guides

     • Additional guides for professionals or the public on different aspects of sustainable Urban design,

     mainly what it is and how it can be best implemented.

Atlas of Urban Expansion

CityLab: Environment

EEA Technical Report on Urban Sustainability issues

     · Resource for identifying and addressing current urban sustainability issues

Earth Observations Toolkit for Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements @ UN Habitat

New York City Department of Design + Construction

    · Guide from New York with guidelines for sustainable site design


Sustainable Infrastructure

Urban environment @ EEA

Urban environment @ WHO

Urbanization & Environment @ Prio

Urban waste management @ WHO

Urban Systems, Infrastructure, and Vulnerability

Urban Heat Islands @ EPA

ULI Building Healthy Places Toolkit

     · an important resource for approaching sustainable development

ULI Case Studies

     · Provides precedents for any future development projects that have revitalized areas

Urban Design Toolkit

    · Guide for approaching sustainable development projects

US and Canada Green City Index

     · A report ranking the sustainability of different cities located across the US and Canada


Environment and Urbanization

Habitat International

Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure

Urban Climate

Urban Ecosystems

Urban Science


Resilient Cities: The Annual Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation

Institutions ~ International Organizations

Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments

     "...a coordination and consultation mechanism that brings together the major international networks

     of local governments to undertake joint advocacy work relating to global policy processes. It was

     set up in 2013 to bring the perspectives of local and regional governments to the SDGs, climate

     change agenda and New Urban Agenda in particular."

     United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG)


     Urban Alliance

UN Habitat

     Earth Observations Toolkit for Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements

UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape

World Bank Ecological Cities and Economic Cities

Institutions ~ Professional associations

      · Also see Climate change ~ Institutions below

American Society of Landscape Architects

Architects for Peace

International Federation of Landscape Architects

Landscape Architecture Foundation

Institutions ~ Networks & initiatives

Clean Cities Coalition Network [USA]

Grow Green [EU]

National League of Cities

     Environment & Sustainability

ICLIE: Local Governments for Sustainability

     · Global

     · USA

     · CitiesWithNature

     · Cities Biodiversity Center

     · Urban Natural Assets for Africa (UNA) programme

Institutions ~ Research

Center for Sustainable Cities @ USC

Center for Sustainable Urban Development @ Columbia University

Future of Small Cities Institute

Kounkuey Design Initiative

Senseable City Laboratory @ MIT

Seto Lab on Urbanization & Global Change @ Yale

Sustainable Urban Environments Initiative @ University at Buffalo

Institutions ~ NGOs

Urban Land Institute

Urban Ocean Lab

Urban Permaculture Institute


Exurban development

Exurbs @ American Communities Project (ACP)

Impacts of Low Density, Exurban Development @ WCS

What are exurbs @ Planetizan

Amenity communities

Gateway & Natural Amenity Region (GNAR) Initiative

Interviews with prominent urbanists

Interview with David Owen (Author of Green Metropolis)

     Interview with good insight into the current and future state of Urban Design and sustainability

Interview with Jamie Lerner

     • poses the idea that cities can be a solution in working to reduce emissions

Interview with Jeff Speck

     • Author of Walkable Cities and The Smart Growth Manual. Poses interesting ideas about urban design and how it can relate to

          sustainable growth and development.

William Irvine of Brandeis University developed this page in 2018.

Contents of this page:

     · General information

       · Periodicals

         · Events

           · Institutions:

                   ~ International Organizations

                   ~ Professional associations

                   ~ Networks & initiatives

                   ~ Research

                   ~ NGOs

              · Exurban development

                  · Amenity communities

                    · Interviews with prominent urbanists


    · Urban biodiversity & land use

      · Urban climate change page

        · Buildings & the built environment page

Also see: Nations, A>Z for city-specific information

Urban areas (including cities, towns, suburbs & exurbs)