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Marine environment hub > Climate change impacts on the marine environment >

Contents below:

     · General information

       · Periodicals

         · Films & interpretive projects

           · Institutions

               · Map resources

                 · Services

                   · Select readings on sea level rise

General information

Coastal Wiki

Effects of climate change on island nations @ Wikipedia

Sea Change: Boston

Sea level @ NASA

Sea Level Rise @ CSIRO

Sea Level Rise @ National Geographic

Sea Level Rise @ Smithsonian

Sea Level Rise @ Think Progress

Sea Level Rise @ USEPA

Sea Level Rise @ WXshift

Sea Level Rise @ Yale Climate Connections

Storm Surge

Surging Seas @ Climate Central

     Surging Seas Risk Finder


Sea Level Rise Now

Films & interpretive projects

High water line: New Jersey


Inundation District

Rise: From One Island to Another


Sea Level Research Group @ University of Colorado

International Sea Level Institute

Massachusetts Coastal Erosion Commission


Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines @ Western Carolina University

Seasteading Institute

Stone Living Lab

Sustainable Adaptive Gradients in the Coastal Environment (SAGE)

TNC → Coastal Resilience

University of Hawaii Sea Level Center

Urban Ocean Lab

Map resources

Changing Coast @ SELC

Direct and indirect impacts of sea-level rise on USA communities @ UM & UC

Effects of Sea-Level Rise on Maine @ NRCM

FEMA Flood Map Service Center

Local SLR @ Climate Analytics

Surging Seas Risk Finder

Surging Seas Mapping Choices

Surging Seas Risk Zone Map

Sea Level Rise Viewer @ NOAA

Sea Level Rise Mapper @ Scenic Hudson


Select readings on sea level rise (reverse chronological order)

Global LiDAR land elevation data reveal greatest sea-level rise vulnerability in the tropics

     · 2021. Hooijer and Vernimmen. National Library of Medicine

     · Sea level rise will affect the tropical regions of Asia the most

     · The tropics have the greatest percent of land at 2m above sea level and that of which is the most populated

     · The sea level will rise about 1m by 2100 affecting Urban coastal areas the most

Economic evaluation of sea level rise adaptation strongly influenced by hydrodynamic feedbacks

     ·  2021. Hummel et al. PNAS

     · Protection from levees and seawalls in some shoreline sections cause flooding in other parts

     · Flooding requires categorization to best determine what adaptations will be more beneficial to implement

     · Estimates damage to buildings as a result of floods but not repetitive damages that would weaken infrastructure

A review of estimating population exposure to sea level rise and the relevance for migration

     · 2020. McMicheal et al. IOPscience

     · A major livelihood disruption will come to those in displacement risk areas as they might be forced to become 'climate refugees'

     · While maps show the distribution of flooding the individualized impacts can be harder to understand

     · A table of 33 publications categorizing populations around the Globe's exposure to global mean sea level rise in areas of low elevation

New Elevation Data triple estimates of global vulnerability to sea level rise and coastal flooding

     · 2019. Kulp and Strauss. Nature

     · Sea levels in 2100 will cover land currently home to 200 million people, while threatening 360 million with flooding events

     · The majority of those living on threatened land are in 8 Asian countries, while those that are still developing will face more serious


     · The displacement and migration of populations will become a more common option even with adaptation techniques and reduction of GHG

Flooded Future: Global vulnerability to sea level rise worse than previously understood

     · 2019. Climate Central. Nature Communications

     · Analyzes and provides projected data on vulnerable countries flooding patterns as a result of climate change

     · Goes into great detail on how flooding will become more frequent and severe, leading to humanitarian crises worldwide

When Rising Seas Hit Home: Hard choices ahead for hundreds of US coastal communities

     · 2017. Union of Concerned Scientists

Retreat from a rising sea: Hard choices in an age of climate change

     · 2016. Pilkey, Orrin H., Linda Pilkey-Jarvis, and Keith C. Pilkey. New York: Columbia University Press

     · Details specific threats to cities like New Orleans, Miami, etc. are facing due to sea level rise

     · Provides potential approaches for adapting to climate change and argues for the U.S. coastal management to reform its policies

Increased nuisances flooding along the coasts of the united states due to sea level rise: Past and future

     · 2015. Moftakhari et al. Advancing Earth and Space Science

     · More instances of nuisance flooding can lead to more severe floods and increase the fragility of infrastructure

     · Four types of socio-economic impacts must be addressed in terms of the scale and duration of a flooding event

     · Intricacies of coastlines in different cities will determine how greatly they are or will be affected by the increase in nuisance flooding

Sea-level rise caused by climate change and its implications for society

     · 2013. Nobuo Mimura. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Ser. B, Physical and Biological Sciences

     · Explains the complex science behind climate change in the form of charts to show the exponential increase of global sea levels

     · Gives estimates and analyses for future sea levels based on whether there is a substantial decrease in global greenhouse gas emissions

     · Describes potential adaptation plans for coastal areas as sea levels continue to rise, focusing on the vulnerable island of Japan

Sea-Level Rise from the Late 19th to the Early 21st Century

     · 2011. Church & White.Surveys in Geophysics

     · Provides a detailed account of global sea levels and their gradual increase from the late 19th century to 2011

     · Displays data on sea level rise from a variety of sources in the form of charts and analyses to proof the validity of this issue

Sea-Level Rise and Its Impact on Coastal Zones

      · 2010. Nicholls & Cazenave. Science

      · A scientific review on sea level rise with a focus on potential coastal adaptations and what the

        future might look like if global warming rates continue

      · Discusses the causes and effects of contemporary sea-level rise along with their implications

The impact of sea level rise on developing countries: A comparative analysis

     · 2009. Dasgupta, S., Laplante, B., Meisner, C. et al.. Springer Science + Business Media/Climatic Change

     · Uses Geographic Information System to interpret how sea level rise will disproportionately affect developing coastal countries

     · Shows that even if there is a large decrease in global greenhouse gas emissions, millions of people in frontline communities will be displaced

Estimates of the Economic Effects of Sea Level Rise

     · 2001. Darwin & Tol. Kluwer Academic Publishers/ Environmental and Resource Economics

     · Provides calculations on future economic impacts on countries depending on their geographical location and ability to adapt to sea level rise

     · Explains how sea level rise and other climate change effects will drastically affect the global economy

Vital Signs of the Planet:

Sea level @ NASA

Sea level rise (SLR) & coastal change

Panama slr AP