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Marine environment hub >

Contents below:

     · Data, news & general information

       · Periodicals

         · Documentaries

           · A/V, podcasts & blogs

             · Sustainable fisheries ~ Guides & vendors

               · International trade & subsidies

                 · Labor issues

                   · Aquaculture

                     · Trawling


     · Fisheries institutions

Also see:

     · Aquatic life

Data, news & general information

     · Many Info sources are listed under Institutions & initiatives below.

Bycatch Management Information System (BMIS)


Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs)

Fish Site

     · Seafood knowledge hub

Fisheries Gray Literature Database @ AFS


     · “...a publicly available online resource about the status of fisheries, fish stocks, and aquaculture.

       FishSource compiles and summarizes publicly available scientific and technical information and

       presents it in an easily interpretable form.


     · Analysis and information on world fish trade


     · "For over 20 years, IntraFish has led the world in seafood, fisheries and aquaculture news

     and business intelligence. We provide round-the-clock coverage of events as they happen

     and offer considered analysis on the industry’s biggest issues."

Sea Around Us: Fisheries, Ecosystems & Biodiversity  

     · "a research initiative at The University of British Columbia (located at the Institute for the Oceans

     and Fisheries, formerly Fisheries Centre) that assesses the impact of fisheries on the marine

     ecosystems of the world, and offers mitigating solutions to a range of stakeholders."

Sustainable fisheries @ Ocean Conservancy


ℹ> Journals at American Fisheries Society

     · Includes:

            Journal of Aquatic Animal Health

            Marine and Coastal Fisheries

            North American Journal of Aquaculture

            North American Journal of Fisheries Management

            Transactions of the American Fisheries Society     

Fish and Fisheries



Fishery Bulletin

     · An official publication of the U.S government, it is one of the (if not the) oldest fisheries

       journals in the world.

National Fisherman

North American Journal of Fisheries Management



PBS Marine Fisheries & Aquaculture series


A/V, blogs & podcasts

Lost at Sea

Seafood is the new black

Consumer guides & vendors for sustainable fish & fisheries

EDF Seafood Selector

Good Fish Guide @ Marine Conservation Society

Sea to Table (

Seafood Watch @ Monterey Bay Aquarium

     · Fishing and farming methods

     · "Our recommendations help you choose seafood that's fished or farmed in ways that have less

          impact on the environment."

Size is Important: A Guide to Sustainable Consumption @ Conservamos por Naturaleza

     · Peruvian; in Spanish.

International trade & subsidies

Fisheries subsidies @ WTO

Labor issues

Association for Professional Observers (APO)

Fishing @ 2018 Global Slavery Index

Forced labour and human trafficking in fisheries @ ILO

Seafood from slaves @ AP

Summary of Key Trafficking in Persons Issues in Fish Production @ Verité

Thailand's Seafood Slaves @ EJF




Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)

Aquaculture @ NOAA

     · NOAA Fisheries' effort on Aquaculture

Aquaculture @ SeaFoodWatch

     · Addressing aquaculture issues


Farmed salmon @ WWF

Global Salmon Initiative (GSI)

North Island Creek Oyster Foundation


Bottom trawling @ Oceana

Bottom trawling @ NOAA

Trawling @ Oceana

Trawls @ FAO

Trawls: Bulldozers of the ocean @ Safina Center


This page mostly focuses on marine fisheries, but also covers freshwater fisheries (e.g., lakes & rivers).