
A web·guide to the glocal environment



Reference hub >

Contents below:

     · Audio, radio & podcasts

       · Infographics

         · Conservation photography

           · Stock images & video

             · Nature & natural area webcams

               · Video presentations & talks

                 · Awards


     · Environmental & climate change documentaries ~ Information

       · Environmental & climate change documentaries ~ Listing

Also see:

     · Movie-making & films with environmental & climate change themes

           @ Environmental arts & literature

Audio, radio & podcasts

ℹ️ 50 Best Environmental Podcasts @ Feedspot

ℹ️ Best Climate & Sustainability Podcast

ℹ️ Environmental podcasts @

A matter of degrees

     · “Give up your climate guilt. Sharpen your curiosity.... With the help of dozens of climate leaders, we

       tell stories of bold solutions and groundbreaking campaigns, stories of misdeeds and corruption and

       efforts to stop them, and stories of people doing their best to be a part of the solution. Join us as we

       make sense of big climate questions.”

America Adapts: The climate change podcast

Broken Ground @ SELC

Citizens Climate Radio

Climate, The

     · “...a woman and minority-owned, independent, non-profit, media organization.”

Climate Now

Climate One

Climate Talk Podcast

Designing Nature's Half: The Landscape Conservation Podcast

Eaarth Feels

Environmental Insights (Harvard)


In tune to nature podcast

Ezra Klein Show

     · Features many podcasts on climate & environmental issues

Forest and Stream podcast

Living on Earth @ PRI

Nature Insight

Nature's Archive

NPR's Environmental podcast

Outrage + Optimism

     · “...energetic hosts Christiana Figueres, Tom Rivett-Carnac and Paul Dickinson, and their brilliant

       guests share expert opinions along with healthy doses of both outrage and optimism that will

       leave you feeling informed and energised.”

Outside/In @ NHPR


Shift Key @ Heatmap

Spirit of Resilience

Sustainability Now! @ KSQD


Weather Geeks

WCS Wild Audio


Visual Capitalist

     · Energy

     · Mining

     · Green

Conservation photography

Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

How I photograph bats @ MTBC

International League of Conservation Photographers (ILCP)

Mangelsen Images of Nature Gallery

Nature and Wildlife Photography Forum

Nature TTL

     · “the best community for nature photographers on the net”

     · “We offer more content in one place than any other website targeted to nature and outdoor photo

       enthusiasts. Since 2003, we’ve earned the respect of tens of thousands of photographers worldwide

       as one of the most comprehensive, friendly, and respected websites of its kind.”

North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA)

Wildlife photographer @ Art Career Project

Wildlife Photographer of the Year @ Natural History Museum of London

Wildlife photography @ Photo Argus

Wildlife photography @ Wikipedia

     · “My online course will help improve your wildlife photography. This course covers topics such as

       equipment for wildlife photography, mastering your camera settings, post-processing your images

       and more. The course is delivered via email and a different topic will be covered each week.”

Stock images & video



Macauley Library @ Cornell Lab of Ornithology




USFWS National Digital Library

Nature & natural area webcams

Air Quality Web Cameras @ NPS

All US National Park Webcams

BatCams @ OBC

Bracken Cave @ BCI

CritterCams @ Wildlife Forever

Live Wildlife Cams @ Sportsmen's Paradise

LoonCam @ LPC

National Park Webcams @

Webcams @

Webcams @ The Wildlife Trusts

WildEarth TV

Video presentations & talks

Carl Sagan testifying before Congress in 1985 on climate change

Climate One @ Commonwealth Club

Climergency: A sustainability podcast

Comedians Conquering Climate Change

Forecast: Climate conversations with Michael White

Hans Rosling's 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes

A Message From the Future With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

The Power to think ahead in a reckless age

Whose future is this? Stuart Candy at TEDxChristchurch

Zennström lecture by Keri Facer "Learning to live with a lively planet

THE TRAIL OF A TALE #Action4Climate competition @Connect4Climate

Three Seconds - 1st Prize Short Film Winner #Film4Climate



Audubon Conservation Photography Awards

Audiovisual (AV) & multimedia

Climate change & energy highlighted

While the vast majority of websites listed on this page address the challenge of climate change & energy in some way, those with a core focus on climate change & energy are  highlighted in yellow.

2024 BigPicture