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11th Hour, The



Adapting to a Changing Climate

     · UNFCCC film; 19 minutes

After the Fire

Age of Consequences, The

Age of Stupid, The

Ain't Your Mama's Heat Wave


     · Full film available at link.

And We Go Green

Antarctica Challenge: A Global Warning, The

Anthropocene: The Human Epoch

Anthropologist, The


"Are We Changing Planet Earth?"

     · Full film available here

Awake: A Dream from Standing Rock 

   · 2017, 1 hr 29 min

   · Moving from summer 2016, when demonstrations over the Dakota Access Pipeline's demolishing of

     sacred Native burial grounds began, to the current and disheartening pipeline status, AWAKE, A Dream

     from Standing Rock is a powerful visual poem in three parts that uncovers complex hidden truths with

     simplicity. The film is a collaboration between indigenous filmmakers: Director Myron Dewey and

     Executive Producer Doug Good Feather; and environmental Oscar-nominated filmmakers Josh Fox and

     James Spione.


Bad River

Beautiful Planet, A

Before the Flood

Beneath the Polar Sun

Biggest Little Farm, The

Blind Spot

Blowout: Inside America's Energy Gamble

Borneo Case, The

Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet

     · Movie homepage

     · Streaming on NetFlix


Carbon Nation

Catching the Sun

Chasing Coral

     · On NetFlix

Chasing Ice

     · Full film available here

Chasing Scarcity

Climate Change: The Facts

Climate Emergency: Feedback Loops

Climate Refugees

     · Full film available here

Climate Solutions 101

Climate Warriors

Cloud Mystery, The

Clouds of Smoke

Comfort Zone

Common Ground

Condor and the Eagle, The

Cool It


     · On NetFlix



     · Full film available at link


     · Full film available at link

Doubt Machine: Inside the Koch Brothers' War on Climate Science, The

     · Full film available at link


Earth 2100

     · Full film available here

Earth Emergency

El Cacao: The Challenge of Fair Trade

Enduring Ice

Everything's Cool

Expedition to the End of the World, The


Fierce Green Fire, A

Finite: The Climate of Change

   · Vimeo site

Fire in Paradise

Five Ways to Save the World

Forget Shorter Showers

From Asia to Antarctica


Generation Greta

   · 2020, 54 min

   · They are aged between 12 and 24. They have grown up in a world with increasing droughts, floods,

     fires. And they share a common fight: the climate emergency. In spite of their cultural and geographical

     differences, nine young female activists are united under the same struggle: raising awareness about the

     climate emergency, fighting against the inaction of politicians, and promoting radical societal change,

     so that nature and social justice become our top priority. In the wake of Greta Thunberg, the most

     famous of them all, these young women, aged between 12 and 24 years old, already possess the

     charisma and assurance of some of history's greatest political personalities. Who are these activists, set

     on changing the world? How can we understand their anger? What hopes do they carry?

Global Warming: The Signs and The Science

Global Warming: What You Need to Know

Great Global Warming Swindle, The

Great Warming, The

Greedy Lying Bastards

Greenhouse Conspiracy, The


Hand of Franklin, The




Hot Cities

     · rockhopper site listing 8 episodes

Hottest August, The

How to Let Go of the World and Love all the Things Climate Change Can't

Hunter Legacy, The


I am Greta

Ice and the Sky

Ice on Fire

     · Full film available here

Inconsistent Truth, An

Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, An

Inconvenient Truth, An

Inconvenient Truth...Or Convenient Fiction?, An


Into the Cold: A Journey of the Soul

Into the Dark

     · 2021. “An expedition into the polar night to discover how melting sea ice is leading to changes in

        underwater light that may be radically altering the Arctic Ecosystem.”

Inundation District

Island President, The


The Land of Azaba

Last Call for the Bayou: Five Stories from Louisiana's Disappearing Coastline

Last Glaciers, The

Last Animals, The

L'Eau Est La Vie (Water is Life): From Standing Rock to the Swamp

   · 2019, 24 min

   · On the banks of Louisiana, Indigenous women are ready to fight—to stop the corporate blacksnake

     and preserve their way of life. They are risking everything to protect Mother Earth from the predatory

     fossil fuel companies that seek to poison it.

Like a Mighty Wave 

   · 2019, 15 min

   · On Wednesday, July 17th 2019, a heavily armed police force arrested 36 Native Hawaiian kūpuna

     peacefully protecting Maunakea from desecration. The actions from that day sparked an international

     outcry and brought new life to the ongoing movement for Native Hawaiians’ rights for self-determination.

Lowland Kids


Melting Ice

     · Full film available here

Merchants of Doubt

Mission Blue

     · On NetFlix

Mossville: When Great Trees Fall


No impact man

Normal is Over: The Movie 1.1

Not Evil Just Wrong


On a Wing and a Prayer

Once the Ice Melts

One Child Nation

Only One Earth: The Stockholm Conference (1972)

Our Planet

    · This documentary series is available for free on Netflix; at the link, scroll down a ways to get to

       Our Planet.

Out of the Blue

     · A virtual reality film featuring the voice of Sylvia Earle

     · Homepage (film not available here)

     · Small screen version

     · YouTube version

     · Vimeo version

     · VR for Good page


Pandora's Promise

Peril & Promise: The Challenge of Climate Change

Perfect Shot: Antarctica, The

Planet of the Humans

     · Full film available at link.

     · Competitive Enterprise Institute review

     · Desmog review

     · McKibben review

     · Electrek review

     · Films for Action review

     · Gizmodo Earther review

     · Guardian review

     · Hollywood Reporter review

     · Inside Climate News review

     · Ketan Joshi review

     · The Nation review

     · pv magazine review

     · Real News Network review

     · Variety review

     · Vox review

     · Yale Climate Connections review

Power Struggle

Purple Mountains


Racing extinction

     · Full film available here

Reluctant Radical, The

   · 2018, 77 min

   · The film follows climate activist Ken Ward through a series of civil disobedience direct actions,

      culminating with his participation in the coordinated action that shut down all the U.S. tar sands

      oil pipelines on October 11, 2016. Facing 20 years in prison for his actions, the film reveals both

      the personal costs and also the fulfillment that comes from following one's moral calling.

Running on Climate


Seeding Change 

   · 2020, 51 min

   · 20 years ago, a young group of social entrepreneurs joined a movement to change the world through

     the pursuit of an alternative economic model and practice of conscious commerce. Seeding Change:

     The Power of Conscious Commerce is about "triple bottom line" businesses that consider the social,

     environmental and financial impacts of their companies and address some of today’s most challenging

     issues. Seeding Change is an award-winning documentary that empowers viewers to be part of the

     solution by voting with their dollars and supporting the brands and products that align with their values.

Six Degrees Could Change the World


     · Full film available here


     · DeSmog on director Mark Mathis

Story of Plastic, The

Sun Come Up

Survival of Spaceship Earth (1972)


Ten Billion

Territory, The

Thank You for the Rain 

   · 2017, 1 hr 27 min

   · Five years ago Kisilu, a Kenyan farmer, started to use his camera to capture the life of his family, his

     village and the damages of climate change. When a violent storm throws him and a Norwegian filmmaker

      together we see him transform from a father, to community leader to an activist on the global stage.

Thin Ice

     · Full film available at link.

This Changes Everything

This Land

Thule Tuvalu: Investigating climate change

To the Ends of the Earth


True North



Uncertainty Has Settled, The

Under the Dome

     · There are at least two different versions of subtitles for this Chinese documentary; while these have

         not been thoroughly vetted, the first version below appears to be the most complete:

           · v1: Chai Jing's review: Under the Dome – Investigating China’s Smog (full translation)

           · v2: Under the Dome (English subtitle,Complete) by Chai Jing: Air pollution in China

     · Articles & info on the social & political phenomenon of Under the Dome:

         · Chai Jing ~ seeing through the smog of China's air pollution [blog]

          · New York Times article

          · Wall Street Journal article

          · Washington Post article

          · BBC article

Upstream, downriver


Vanishing Point

     · Full film available at link

Voices of Transition


Warming Warning

   · 1981

Water Warriors

   · 2019, 22 min 29 sec

   · Full film available here

   · POV short version here

   · When an energy company begins searching for natural gas in New Brunswick, Canada, indigenous and

     white families unite to drive out the company in a campaign to protect their water and way of life.

What a Way to Go: Life at the End of Empire

     · Full film available here

White Knight

World in 2050, The

World Set Free, The (Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey)



Years of Living Dangerously

Yes Men Are Revolting, The

     · Full film available on Amazon Prime Video

Youth v Gov

Environmental & climate change documentaries

Jazz Dottin of Brandeis University contributed to this page in 2021.

Climate change highlighted

While the majority of documentaries listed here cover climate change (& energy) in some way, those with a core focus on climate change & energy are highlighted in yellow.

The listing on this page is a highly eclectic selection out of thousands of environmental & climate change documentaries. The list was initially gleaned from a Google search for <<climate change documentaries>>

     and has grown substantially since then.

No filter for authoritativeness, accuracy, or legitimacy was applied for inclusion in this list, so handle it with care.

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