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A web·guide to the glocal environment



Reference hub >

Contents below:

     · Dictionaries

       · Encyclopedias & reference collections

         · General environmental information resources

Also see:

     · Environmental science

       · Infographics @ Audiovisual Resources


Biology online


Oxford Dictionary of Environment & Conservation

     · Requires subscription

Sustainability Dictionary @ Presidio Graduate School

Encyclopedias & reference collections

Encyclopaedia Britanica

     Saving Earth

Encyclopedia of Earth

     · At one point, this was one of the most comprehensive sources of information on the web; while it

       still contains useful materials, a random survey of the site indcates that most articles predate 2015.

Encyclopedia of Ideas

     Conservation of Natural Resources

     Environment & Culture


     Science & Nature

     Earth and the Environment


Green Wiki


How Stuff Works

     Environmental science

     Wild animals

     Endangered species

Knowledge Project

     · “...a collection of articles on a variety of topics. These articles were developed as a wiki

       project, independent of Nature Education editors. The Project is no longer active."

Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science

ScienceDirect Curated Reference collection in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences


     Environment Portal

General evironmental information resources

Ecology Global Network

     · "The ECOLOGY Global Network®, a service of Ecology Communications Group Inc. (ECGI), is

       the nexus of the Worldwide Web, international television, international radio and personal data

       delivery systems regarding all facets of ecology and the environment."


Environment & Society Portal

     · "...a gateway to open access resources on the human-environment relationship"

Environment, Health and Safety Online

   · " (EC) is a not-for-profit organization which is run entirely by volunteers....

     Our vision is for EC to be an independent, understandable and trustworthy source of the best

     available evidence on environmental matters, allowing people to make their own informed judgments.

     Our target audience is people who are not environmental specialists."

Environmental Literacy Council

   · Disbanded, but archived content available

   · Greenpeace lists ELC as a climate change denying front group

Environmental Yellow Pages

     · Energy policy

     · Environmental policy    

      · See other sections with GEP-related themes

Expert Guides

     · Energy & natural resources

     · Environment


     · “Gapminder identifies systematic misconceptions about important global trends and proportions  

       and uses reliable data to develop easy to understand teaching materials to rid people of their .

       misconceptions. Gapminder is an independent Swedish foundation with no political, religious, or

       economic affiliations.


     · “GRID-Arendal was established in 1989 to support environmentally sustainable development

         by working with UN Environment and other partners."


          Reports are in a database that can be filtered according to status, type, SDG, partner, year, or tags.

Impakter platform



People & the Planet

Policy Commons

     · “One-stop access to more than 30 million pages of curated, high quality policy reports, briefs,

        analyses, working papers, and datasets from thousands of policy organizations.”

     · Searchable by hundreds of topics

   · A helpful resource, but no information on authorship.

Project Save the World

World Economic Forum

     · Nature Action Agenda

     · New Nature Economy Report Series

     · Shaping the future of environment and natural resource security

     · Shaping the future of food

     · Shaping the future of energy

5,400+ Entries

General reference (dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.)