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Climate change & energy

and Biodiversity

are highlighted

While the majority of journals listed on this page address climate change and/or biodiversity in some way, those with a core focus on one or the other are highlighted.

Please note that there are no standard criteria for determining whether a journal is “climate- focused” or “biodiversity- focused,” and that making such designations is both a judgement call and a work-in-progress.

A     [🔝]

Academia Biology


Academia Environmental Sciences and Sustainability

Acta Chiropterologica

Acta Oecologica

Acta Tropica

   · “an international journal on infectious diseases that covers public health sciences and

     biomedical research with particular emphasis on topics relevant to human and animal

     health in the tropics and the subtropics.

Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research (AEER)

Advances in Water Research



          Earth science & climate

          Ecology & environmental sciences

          Oceans & water

African Journal of Ecology

Agriculture and Environment

Agriculture & Food Security

Agriculture and Human Values

Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment


Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems

AIMS Environmental Science



American Journal of Biological and Environmental Statistics

American Journal of Botany

American Journal of Climatic Studies

American Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems

American Journal of Energy Engineering

American Journal of Environment and Climate

American Journal of Environmental and Resource Economics

American Journal of Environmental Protection

American Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering

American Journal of Environmental Sciences

American Journal of Modern Energy

American Journal of Public Health

American Journal of Water Science and Engineering

American Museum Novitates

American Naturalist

Animal Conservation

Animal Law Review

Animal Migration

Animal Studies Journal

Animal Welfare

Annals of the American Association of Geographers

Annals of Forest Science



Applied Geography

Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems

Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management

Aquatic Living Resources

Aquatic Mammals

Ardeola: International Journal of Ornithology


ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development (AJSTD)

Asia Pacific Journal of Energy and Environment (APJEE)

Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law

Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and Policy

Asian Journal of Conservation Biology

Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management (AJEDM)

     · The 1st journal fousing on the environment and disaster related issues in the

          Asian region

Asian Journal of Environment & Ecology

Asian Journal of Plant Science & Research

Asian Journal on Energy & Environment

ASIL Insights

     · Although covering a wide range of international issues, many issues focus

          on environment & natural resource topics.


Atmospheric Environment

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

Atmospheric Research


Austral Ecology

Avian Conservation & Ecology

B     [🔝]

Belgian Journal of Zoology

Biodiversity: Journal of Life on Earth


     Biodiversity Conservancy International site

     Taylor & Francis site

Biodiversity and Conservation

Biodiversity Data Journal

Biodiversity Science



Bioline International

Biologia Futura

Biological Conservation

Biological Invasions

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society

Biological Reviews

Biology Letters




Bird Conservation International

Bird Observer

Bird Watcher's Digest

Birding Wire


BMJ, The

     Climate Emergency

     Divestment from fossil fuels

Borderlands Journal

Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review


Buffalo Environmental Law Journal 

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS)

Business Strategy and the Environment

C     [🔝]

Call of the Wild

Camas: The Nature of the West

Canadian Journal of Environmental Education

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Capitalism Nature Socialism

Carbon & Climate Law Review

Carbon Management

Case Studies in the Environment

Children, Youth & Environments (CYE)

Chinese Journal of Environmental Law

Clean Technology & Environmental Policy

Cleantech Rising


Climate & Capitalism

Climate & Energy

Climate Change Business Journal

Climate Change Ecology

Climate Change Economics

Climate Change Solutions

Climate Law

Climate of the Past

Climate Policy

Climate Engineering News

Climatic Change

Coastal Management


Colorado Environmental Law Journal

Colorado Natural Resources, Energy and Environmental Law Review

Columbia Journal of Environmental Law 

Communications Biology

     Earth Day 2021

     Ecological restoration and rewilding

     World Oceans Day 2020

Communications Earth & Environment

Concord Saunterer


Conservation and Society

     · "An interdisciplinary journal exploring linkages between society, environment and development."

Conservation Biology

Conservation Ecology Journal

     · Now Ecology & Society

Conservation Evidence Journal

Conservation Letters

Conservation Matters

Conservation Science and Practice

Critical Planning

Critical Public Health

Crop and Environment

Crops & Soils

Cryospere, The

Current Biology

Current Climate Change Reports

Current Environmental Health Reports

Current Landscape Ecology Reports

Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability

Current Opinion in Insect Science

D     [🔝]




Diversity & Distributions

Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum 

E     [🔝]

Earth Interactions

Earth's Future

     · "...a transdisciplinary, Gold Open Access journal examining the state of the planet and its inhabitants,

          sustainable and resilient societies, the science of the Anthropocene, and predictions of our common

          future through research articles, reviews and commentaries."

Earth System Governance

Earth System Science Data

Earth Systems and Environment

ECO: Environment Coastal & Offshore



Ecological Applications

Ecological Citizen

Ecological Economics

Ecological Entomology

Ecological Indicators

Ecological Management & Restoration

Ecological Modeling

Ecological Monographs

Ecological Processes


Ecology and Evolution

Ecology & Society

    · Formerly Conservation Ecology Journal

Ecology Law Quarterly

Ecology Letters




Ecosystem Health and Sustainability

Ecosystem Services


Ecosystems and People

Ekonomia i Srodowisko - Economics and Environment

Electronic Journal of Biotechnology

    · Formerly Biopolicy Journal

Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene

Emu - Austral Ornithology


Energy & Environmental Science

Energy Policy

Energy Reports

Energy Research & Social Science

Energy Review

Energy Science & Engineering

Engineering Science


Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology: Current Research

Environment and Development Economics

Environment and History

Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space

Environment and Security

Environment and Urbanization

Environment and Urbanization ASIA

Environment, Development and Sustainability

Environment International

Environment Systems and Decisions

Environmental and Resource Economics

Environmental and Sustainability Indicators

Environmental Challenges

Environmental Communication

Environmental Conservation

Environmental Data Science

Environmental Development

Environmental Ethics

Environmental Evidence

Environmental Health

Environmental Health Perspectives

Environmental History

Environmental History Reviews

     · Merged with Forest & Conservation History to form Environmental History.

     · Archives

Environmental Humanities

Environmental Impact Assessment Review

Environmental Justice

Environmental Law 

Environmental Law Review

Environmental Management

Environmental Modeling & Software

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

Environmental Philosophy

Environmental Policy and Law

Environmental Policy & Governance

Environmental Politics

Environmental Pollution

Environmental Pollution & Protection

Environmental Practice  

Environmental Research

Environmental Research Communications

Environmental Research Letters

Environmental Review

     · 1976-1989

Environmental Science & Policy

Environmental Science & Technology

Environmental Sciences Europe

Environmental Skeptics and Critics

Environmental Sociology

Environmental Technology




Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science

Ethics & International Affairs   

     Environment, climate change, sustainability

Ethics & the Environment Journal

Ethics, Policy & Environment

Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics

European Energy and Environmental Law Review

European Journal of Ecology

European Journal of Wildlife Conservation

European Journal of Wildlife Research

Extractive Industries and Society, The


Fire Ecology

Fish and Fisheries



Fletcher Forum of World Affairs

     Energy and environment


Food Policy

Food Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal

Food Webs

Fordham Environmental Law Review 

Foreign Affairs

     Climate change

Forest Ecology and Management

Forest Briefs

Forest History Today


Forestry Chronicle, The


Frontiers in Climate

Frontiers in Conservation Science

Frontiers in Earth Science

Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment

Frontiers in Energy Research

Frontiers in Environmental Microbiology

Frontiers in Environmental Science

Frontiers in Forests and Global Change

Frontiers in Marine Science

Frontiers in Plant Science

Frontiers in Public Health

Frontiers in Sustainable Cities

Frontiers in Water

Frontiers in Zoology


Future of Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture and Society


G     [🔝]

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution

GEO: Geography & Environment



Geography and Sustainability

Geography Compass



George Wright Forum

Georgetown Environmental Law Review

Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law

     All Articles tagged Environmental Law

Global: The international briefing

Global Change Biology

Global Change, Peace & Security

Global Ecology and Biogeography

Global Ecology and Conservation

Global Encounters: New Visions Journal (GENV)

Global Energy Law and Sustainability

Global Environment: A Journal of Transdisciplinary History

Global Environmental Change

Global Environmental Change Advances

Global Environmental Law Annual

Global Environmental Politics

Global Finance

     Corporate Social Responsibility

Global Policy

     Climate change, energy & sustainability

     Global commons & the environment

     Other GEP-related themes

Global Sustainability

Globalization and Health


Great Plains Quarterly

Green European Journal

H     [🔝]

Habitat International

Harvard Environmental Law Review

Health Equity




High Desert Journal

Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences


Human Dimensions of Wildlife

Human Ecology Review

Human-Wildlife Conflicts

Human-Wildlife Interactions


Hydrological Processes


Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy

I     [🔝]


     · Wiley site

ICES Journal of Marine Science

Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal



Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management (IEAM)

Integrative & Comparative Biology

Integrative Conservation

Intercontinental Cry

Interdisciplinary Journal of Environmental and Science Education

International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law & Economics

International Forestry Review

International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Development

International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch

International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation

International Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation

International Journal of Biodiversity Science and Management

International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management

     · Changed name to Ecosystems and People in 2018.

International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management

International Journal of Climate Change: Strategies & Management

International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts & Responses

International Journal of Cultural Property

International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction

International Journal of Economy, Energy and Environment

International Journal of Ecotoxicology and Ecobiology

International Journal of Electrical Components and Energy Conversion

International Journal of Energy and Environmental Science

International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering

International Journal of Environment, Agriculture, and Biotechnology (IJEAB)

International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health

International Journal of Environmental Chemistry

International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis

International Journal of Environmental Policy & Decision Making

International Journal of Environmental Protection

International Journal of Environmental Protection and Policy

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

International Journal of Environmental Science

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology

International Journal of Environmental Sciences

International Journal of Geography & Regional Planning

International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks

International Journal of Global Environmental Issues

International Journal of Global Warming

International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law

International Journal of Maritime History

International Journal of Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy

International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Engineering

International Journal of Sustainable and Green Energy

International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education

International Journal of Sustainable Development

International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology

International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning

International Journal of the Commons

     · “ interdisciplinary peer-reviewed open-access journal…dedicated to furthering the understanding of

     institutions for use and management of resources that are (or could be) enjoyed collectively.”

International Journal of the Energy-Growth Nexus

International Journal of Water Resources Development

International Journal of Wilderness

International Journal of Wildland Fire (IJWF)

International Journal of Zoological Investigations (IJZI)

International Review for Environmental Strategies

International Review of Environmental History

ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment

J     [🔝]

Jama Network Open

     Environmental health

     Global health

     Public health


Journal for Nature Conservation

Journal of Agriculture and Environment

Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development

Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Ethics

Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences

Journal of Agriculture, Biological and Environmental Statistics

Journal of Animal Ecology

Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science

Journal of Applied Ecology

Journal of Arid Environments

Journal of Bat Research & Conservation

Journal of Chemical, Environmental and Biological Engineering

Journal of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

Journal of Cleaner Production

Journal of Climate

Journal of Climate Change and Health

Journal of Desert Research

Journal of Earth Science and Climatic Change

Journal of Ecology & Natural Resources

Journal of Ecocriticism

Journal of Energy and Natural Resources

Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law

Journal of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering

Journal of Environmental and Sustainability Law

Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management

Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy

Journal of Environmental Exposure Assessment

Journal of Environmental Investing

Journal of Environmental Law

Journal of Environmental Law & Litigation

Journal of Environmental Law and Practice

     · Defunct

Journal of Environmental Management

Journal of Environmental Management of Zimbabwe

Journal of Environmental Protection

Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology

Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning

Journal of Environmental Psychology

Journal of Environmental Science and Natural Resources

     · “published by the Bangladesh Society for Conservation of Environment and Natural Resources”

Journal of Ethnobiology

Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine

Journal of Experimental Biology

    Ecophysiology: responses to environmental stressors and change

Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology

Journal of Forestry

Journal of Forestry Research

Journal of Geography and Planning

Journal of Geography in Higher Education

Journal of Health and Environmental Research

Journal of Human Rights and the Environment

Journal of Hydrology

Journal of Insect Conservation

Journal of Industrial Ecology

Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy

Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law

Journal of Landscape Ecology

Journal of Law and the Environment

Journal of Mammalogy

Journal of Marine Affairs

Journal of Medical Entomology

Journal of Mediterranean Ecology

Journal of Mining and Environment

Journal of Mountain Ecology

Journal of Mountain Science

Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism

Journal of Plant Interactions

Journal of Political Ecology

Journal of Raptor Research

Journal of Remote Sensing

Journal of Research in Ecology

Journal of Rural and Community Development

Journal of Soil & Water Conservation (JSWC)

Journal of Strategic Studies

     V.3 #4: Climate change and global security

Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences

Journal of the Southwest

Journal of Threatened Taxa

Journal of Waste Management and Environmental Issues

Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science

Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

Journal of Water, Sanitation & Hygiene for Development

Journal of Wetland Archaeology

Journal of Wetlands Ecology

Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy

Journal of Wildlife Management

Journal of World Energy Law & Business

Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine

Journal of Zoological and Botannical Gardens

Journal of Zoonotic Diseases and Public Health

K     [🔝]

[Nothing yet...]

~ Beware of predatory publishing ~

In striving to be comprehensive, numerous “predatory journals” have inevitably been included on this page, and no effort has been made to extract (or to provide notification of) such journals. Consequently, it may be worth examining the links from Wikipedia's entry on Predatory publishing before using any journal you've never heard of.

Academic journals A→K

Journal ranking

There are many ways to rank the influence of different journals; see the Wikipedia entry on Journal ranking entry or this Wiley webpage for listings of the different measures used to rank journals.


To the or not to the

This listing drops the article “The” at the start of some journal titles (eg, “The International Journal of...").  

However, “the” within a journal title (eg, “Journal of the...”) is alphabetized with the “the.”

Jump to A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K  ~  L→Z

Climate change & Biodiversity

are highlighted

While the majority of journals listed on this page address climate change and/or biodiversity in some way, those with a core focus on one or the other are highlighted.

Please note that this is a work-in-progress: many journals are yet to be classified, and there are no straightforward criteria for determining whether a journal is “climate-focused” or “biodiversity-focused.”

To the or not to the

This listing drops the article “The” at the start of some journal titles (eg, “The Journal of...").  

However, “the” within a journal title (eg, “Journal of the...”) is alphabetized with the “the.”

Additional journal listings:

· Environmental Journals @ OMICS

  · List of environmental journals

        @ Wikipedia

This listing has been compiled over the past decade-plus and might be the most comprehensive on the web. Nonetheless, judging from its continuous accretion rate, it remains incomplete. Apparently, there is no single online comprehensive listing of academic environmental journals.