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Lancet Planetary Health


Land Economics

Land Tenure Journal

Land Use Policy

Landscape and Urban Planning

Landscape Architecture

     · “ of the most important publications in the field of landscape architecture in China...

       administered by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and sponsored

       by Beijing Forestry University.”

Landscape Architecture Australia

Landscape Ecology

Landscape Journal


Limnology & Oceanography

Living Bird

Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability

M     [🔝]

Mammal Review

Mammalian Biology

Mammalian Species

Management of Biological Invasions

Management of Environmental Quality

Marine Life Science & Technology

Marine Policy

Marine Pollution Bulletin

Marine Resource Economics

McGill Journal of Sustainable Development Law (MJSDL)

Methods in Ecology and Evolution

Michigan Journal of Environmental & Administrative Law (MJEAL)

Microbial Ecology

Mountain Journal

Movement Ecology

N     [🔝]

Natural Areas Journal

Natural Hazards Review

Naturaleza, La

     · 1869-1912

     · Biodiversity Heritage Library entry


     · Nature's Browse subjects page contains links to many environmental topics, from ecology and climate

          sciences to hydrology and forestry. Select topical pages include:

           · Portfolio: Animal migration

           · Knowledge Project: Animal migration

     · Along with the flagship Nature journal, there are numerous associated "Nature Research" journals,


               Nature Climate Change

               Nature Communications

                    Browse subjects

                         Earth and environmental sciences

                         Invasive species

               Nature Ecology & Evolution

               Nature Energy

               Nature Food

               Nature Geoscience

               Nature Reviews Earth & Environment

               Nature Sustainability

     · There are also a number of associated “Nature partner journals” (npj), including:

               npj Clean Water

               npj Climate Action

               npj Climate and Atmospheric Science

               npj Ocean Sustainability

     · Under the Nature publishing umbrella is the journal Scientific Reports (while some describe this journal

      as Nature Scientific Reports, it is listed separately below under “S”).

Nature & Resources

Nature Conservation Research

Nature Ecology & Evolution



New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)

     Climate change

New Scientist


New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law


     Climate crisis

Nonprofit Quarterly

     Climate justice

North American Journal of Fisheries Management

NPQ [Nonprofit Quarterly]


     Environmental Justice

NYU Environmental Law Journal 

O     [🔝]

Ocean & Coastal Management

Ocean and Coastal Law Journal

Ocean and Coastal Research



On the Commons Magazine

One Earth

Open Ecology Journal

Open Journal of Environmental Biology

Open Spaces


Organization & Environment

Ornithological Applications



Oxford Open Climate Change

Oxford Open Energy

P     [🔝]

Pace Environmental Law Review


       IUCN site

       Journal site

Parks Stewardship Forum

     · Academic site

     · Public site

Paryavidhi [India]

Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice



          Aquatic biology

          Biodiversity and conservation


          Environmental science

          Global health

          Plant biology

          Zoological science

People and Nature

Permafrost and Periglacial Processes

Perspectives in Ecology & Conservation

Perspectives on Global Development and Technology

Pest Management Science

Petroleum Science and Engineering

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences


     · "an essential and trusted resource on the future of architecture, landscape, and urbanism.

          We harness the power of public scholarship to promote equitable cities and resilient landscapes."

Plant and Soil

Plants People Planet

PLOS (Public Library of Science) journals

     PLOS Biology

     PLOS Climate

     PLOS Global Public Health


          · Subject-specific topics (eg, “Ecology & Environmental Science") can be found by clicking

             on "Browse."

     PLOS Pathogens

     PLOS Sustainability and Transformation

     PLOS Water

Policy Options [Canada]


Political Geography

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)

     Sustainability science

     Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences

     Environmental sciences


     Population biology

Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment        


Q     [🔝]

Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society

Quarterly Review of Biology

Quaternary Science Reviews

R     [🔝]

RECIEL: Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law


Regulatory Review


Regional Environmental Change

Remote Sensing

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development

Research Ideas and Outcomes (RIO)

Research in Ecology

Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Studies

Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities


Resources, Conservation and Recycling

Restoration Ecology

Review of Environmental Economics and Policy

Review of International Studies

     COP26 collection

Reviews of Geophysics

     Atmospheric Science and Anthropogenic Climate Change

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries

Reviews on Environmental Health

RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety

Rural Landscapes: Society, Environment, History

Russian Journal of Biological Invasions

S     [🔝]

Science Journal of Energy Engineering

Science of the Total Environment

Science, Technology & Public Policy

Scientific Reports

     · Published under the Nature umbrella, and sometimes listed as Nature Scientific Reports.

     Browse subjects

          · Contains extensive listings under “Earth and environmental sciences”

Society & Natural Resources: An International Journal

Society & Space

Socio-Ecological Practice Research

Sociology of Development

Soil Security

Solutions Journal

Southeastern Environmental Law Journal 

Southern Forests

Stanford Environmental Law Journal 

Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment

Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment


Sustainability and Biodiversity Conservation

Sustainability Science

Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure

Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development Law & Policy

Sustainable Earth Reviews

Sustainable Futures

Sustainable Growth the Nordic Way

Sustainable Horizons


Systematics and Biodiversity

T     [🔝]

Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography

Temple Journal of Science, Technology, and Environmental Law 

Theoretical Ecology


Transactions in Earth, Environment, and Sustainability

Transboundary and Emerging Diseases

Transnational Environmental Law

Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (TRIP)

Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment

Trees, Forests and People

Trends in Ecology & Evolution

Tropical Ecology

Tulane Environmental Law Journal 

U     [🔝]

UCL Open: Environment



University of Baltimore Journal of Land and Development 

University of Denver Water Law Review 


Urban Climate

Urban Ecosystems

Urban Science


V     [🔝]

Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases

Vermont Journal of Environmental Law

Virginia Environmental Law Journal 


W     [🔝]

Waste Dive


Water, Air, & Soil Pollution

Water Economics and Policy

Water Environment Research

Water International

Water Policy

     · Official Journal of the World Water Council

Water Resources Management

Water Resources Research


Wellbeing, Space & Society

West-Northwest Journal

Western Confluence

Western Economics Forum


Wetlands Ecology & Management

Wicazo Sa Review

WildArk Journal

Wilderness & Environmental Medicine

Wildfire Today

Wildlife Biology

Wildlife Health Bulletins

Wildlife Monographs

Wildlife News

Wildlife Professional

Wildlife Research

Wildlife Society Bulletin

William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review 

Windpower Engineering & Development

WIREs Climate Change

Wisconsin Environmental Law Journal 

World Development

World Journal of Agriculture and Soil Science (WJASS)

Y     [🔝]

Yale Environment Review

     · “...a student-run review that provides weekly updates on environmental research findings."

Yearbook of International Environmental Law

Z     [🔝]


Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society


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Academic journals L→Z

For background information on academic journals, see the A→K page.

Jump to A→K  ~  L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z

Climate change & Biodiversity

are highlighted

While the majority of journals listed on this page address climate change and/or biodiversity in some way, those with a core focus on one or the other are highlighted.

Please note that this is a work-in-progress: many journals are yet to be classified, and there are no straightforward criteria for determining whether a journal is “climate-focused” or “biodiversity-focused.”

Climate change & energy

and Biodiversity

are highlighted

While the majority of journals listed on this page address climate change and/or biodiversity in some way, those with a core focus on one or the other are highlighted.

Please note that there are no standard criteria for determining whether a journal is “climate- focused” or “biodiversity- focused,” and that making such designations is both a judgement call and a work-in-progress.