
A web·guide to the glocal environment



A     [🔝]

Actuarial News



     a billion people

     Third Force Collective

Africa Energy Intelligence

Africa Renewal

     Climate change


African Affairs

     Land Reform and Land Politics

     Natural Resources and Geopolitics

African Conservation Telegraph

Alternatives Journal


     Global health

     Energy + Environment


     · Formerly Conservation Magazine

Arborvitae News Digest

Arnoldia @ Arnold Arboretum

A.T. Journeys

     · Magazine of the Appalachian Trail Conservancy




     Weekly Planet

Atlantic Salmon Journal

    · Sample articles from print version only


     · “Atmos is an exploration of climate and culture, a nonprofit biannual

       magazine and digital platform curated by a global ecosystem of artists,

       activists, and writers devoted to ecological and social justice through

       creative storytelling.

Audubon @ National Audubon Society



B     [🔝]

Bamboo and Rattan Update

     · “...dedicated to sharing the latest high-quality research and news about

       the bamboo and rattan sector. It is published by the International Bamboo

       and Rattan Organization (INBAR).”

Banjo Newsletter

    · What the hell am I doing here?

Bat Research News


Bear Deluxe

Biannual Bulletin of Environmental Law, UNEP (1994 - 2006)

Bioenergy Insight

Biofriendly Planet

Biofuels International

Bioline International

Biologia Futura

Biomass Monitor

Bugle, The

Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

C     [🔝]

Call of the Wild @ NMWA

Catalyst @ UCS

Chemical & Engineering News

China Environment Yearbook

Climate Action publication

Conservation Magazine

    · Last issue was in 2014; now Anthropocene

Conservation Matters @ CLF

Corporate Knights




Counter, The


CSPA Quarterly @ Centre for Sustainable Practice in the Arts (CSPA)     

Cultural Survival Quarterly @ Cultural Survival

Current Conservation

     · “We are a not-for-profit quarterly print and online magazine that works with scientists, science

       writers, and artists across the world to tell stories from the field of conservation in a manner

       that engages both scientific and non-scientific audiences."

D     [🔝]

Daily Energy Insider

Daily Yonder


Defenders @ DoW

Diplomat [Environment page]

Directions Magazine


Dirt, The



Down to Earth

Ducks Unlimited Email Newsletter

Ducks Unlimited Magazine

E     [🔝]

E/The Environmental Magazine

Earth First! Journal

Earth Negotiations Bulletin

     · "...provides daily coverage at selected UN environment and development

        negotiations. We distribute our daily 1900-word reports in hard copy at

        meeting venues, on our website (, by email, Facebook

        ( and Twitter (@IISDRS). At the conclusion

        of each meeting, the Earth Negotiations Bulletin publishes a 10,000-30,000-word

        summary and analysis of the meeting.The Bulletin reaches a wide range of people

        interested in environment and development negotiations. Many UN delegates,

        ministers and other governmental officials, NGOs, the business community, the

        academic community, the media and UN staff who track environment and sustainable

          development policy consider the Earth Negotiations Bulletin to be essential  reading.

        The Bulletin has received high praise for its objective and comprehensive presentation

        of the facts."

Eco News

ECO newsletter







     · Our coverage of climate change

Edge Effects

EESI Climate Change Newsletter

     · Archives

Elephant, The


Emergence Magazine

   · " award-winning magazine and creative production studio that explores the threads connecting

      ecology, culture, and spirituality. Our work gathers voices—both human and more-than-human—with

      the potential to shift ways of thinking and being in relationship to the living world.

Endangered Species & Wetland Report

Endangered Species Research (ESR)

Endangered Species UPDATE

ENDS Report

Energi Media [Canada]

Energy Mix

   · “Each week, we scan up to 1,000 news headlines to find the groundbreaking, provocative, hopeful,

     or sobering stories that will help you make sense of a complex, fast-moving issue."

   · “…published by Energy Mix Productions Inc., a Canadian non-profit that promotes community awareness

     of, engagement in, and action on climate change, energy, and post-carbon solutions. Each week, we scan

     up to 1,000 news headlines to find the groundbreaking, provocative, hopeful, or sobering stories that will

     help you make sense of a complex, fast-moving issue."


Environmental Law Reporter

   · “ essential online research tool edited by attorneys that provides the most-often cited analysis of

      environmental, sustainability, natural resources, energy, toxic tort, and land use law and policy.

Eurasia Review




     · Click on link to "Subjects" for many environmental categories.

Field & Stream

Forest and Stream

     Wikipedia entry

     · merged with Field and Stream in 1930



G     [🔝]

Geographical [UK]

George Wright Forum

     Archive 1981-2018

H     [🔝]

Hakaii Magazine

Harvard Business Review

     Sustainable Business Practices

Harvard Design Magazine

Harvard Public Health

     Climate change



The Hill

     Changing America: Sustainability

I     [🔝]

Independent Review

     Energy & environment

Industrial Engineering

Industrial WaterWorld

Intercept, The


International Environment Reporter



J   [🔝]

Nothing here yet...


Knowable Magazine

     · Sustainability page

     · Living world page


LA Progressive

land + people [Trust for Public Land]

Land Lines [Lincoln Institut of Land Polity]

Landscape Architecture Magazine

Lever, The


M     [🔝]

Marine Insight

Marine News

Marine Pollution Bulletin

Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law

Mint, The

     Agri-food system


MIT Technology Review

     Climate change and energy

Montana Naturalist


Mother Earth News

Mother Jones


     Climate Desk

N     [🔝]

Narwhal, The [Canada]

National Fisherman

National Geographic

National Parks

     · Past issues

     · Current

      · Published by the National Parks & Conservation Association (NPCA)

National Review

     Climate change

National Trust Magazine [UK]

National Wildlife @ National Wildlife Federation

Native Peoples Magazine

Natural History

Natural Resources & Environment

     · Published by the American Bar Association; access requires membership.

Nature Conservancy @ TNC

Networker, The

New Yorker

     Climate change

New Internationalist



     · In spanish



     Climate & Nature

Niche, The

     · Quarterly magazine of the British Ecological Society

O     [🔝]

OceanUS Magazine

     · Published by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, focusing on the effects of climate and oceans

OnEarth @ NRDC




Outdoor News Bulletin (ONB)


P     [🔝]

Pacific Standard


PEEReview @ Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility

Pensions & Investments


Petroleum News


Plastics Today Sustainability

PlentyAccess @ NBII


     Agriculture and food

     Energy and climate


     Living cities

     Climate, changed

Power of the Law Quarterly

     · Southern Environmental Law Center newsletter

     · Discontinued; current institutional publication is SELC's Magazine

Progressive, The




Public Domain Review

     Animals & beasts

     Natural world

Public Health International

Public Roads

pv magazine

Q     [🔝]


     Climate economy


R     [🔝]

Regulatory Review


Remote Sensing

Resurgence & Ecologist


     · Produced by the Center for Biological Diversity

Rewilding Magazine

S     [🔝]

SCB Newsletter @ Society for Conservation Biology

Scientist, The


     Ecology & Environment


Sea Level Rise Now [newsletter]

Southern Environmental Law Center's Magazine

Seven Seas Magazine

     · browse magazine articles as well as gallery photos that exhibit the oceans through art

Sierra @ Sierra Club


Society & Space

Solar Power World

Solutions Journal

Southern Environmental Law Center's Magazine

Spark, The

     · “A weekly newsletter explaining the tech solving the climate crisis”

Spruce, The

     Wild Birds

Stanford Social Innovation Review



Sweet Auburn @ Friends of Mount Auburn Cemetary

T     [🔝]

Temple Journal of Science, Technology, and Environmental Law 



     Climate Change


U     [🔝]

UNEP Yearbooks

Unite for Nature

V     [🔝]



Vital Signs

     · Magazine of EDF

Vogue Business


W     [🔝]

Waterfowl 2000

     · Various issues & volumes can be downloaded at Google books under a ssearch for "Waterfowl 2000"

     · Individual pages available at Hathi Trust

Whole Terrain

Wildfire Magazine

Wildlife Professional

Wildlife Society Bulletin


     Ecology & the Environment



Wires Climate Change

WMO Greenhouse Gas Bulletin

World Ocean Journal

     · an annual e-magazine that provides an overview of the ocean and solutions to the problems of the

       ocean today

World Oil

     Energy transition


          Offshore wind

World Wildlife Magazine

WT [Water Today: Canada]

Y     [🔝]

Yale Insights


     · “...produced by the Yale School of Management...Insights poses questions that examine important issues

       at the intersection of business and society, issues that require a depth and breadth of perspectives that are  

       not easily captured through conventional business press outlets or the academic literature.”

Yankee New England

     New England environment


     Fall foliage map

Yellowstone Quarterly

Yellowstone Science


Magazines, yearbooks & other serials


· Not listed here are many magazines that occas-

  sionally cover environmental topics; however,  

  ifa generalist periodical hosts a stable webpage  

  on environmental issues (such as energy, climate,

  biodiversity, etc.), the link to that sub-page will

  be listed.

· Also see Blogs, newsletters & online platforms,

  and note that distinguishing between a

  "magazine" and a "newsletter" can be a judge-

  ment call.

Jump to:

A · B · C · D · E   F · G · H · I

J · K · L · M · N   O · P · Q · R

S · T · U · V · W   X · Y · Z

Magazines with a core focus on Climate change & energy and Biodiversity are highlighted, but note that (1) most magazines listed on this page address climate change and/or biodiversity in some way & (2) making such designations is both a judgement call and a work-in-progress.