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A web·guide to the glocal environment




The Problem with E-Waste

E-Waste Information @ World Health Organization (WHO)

Health Effects of Exposure to E-Waste'

Step e-waste world map

A Plastic Planet


Global E-Waste Monitor Report

International cooperation

eWaste @ Basel Convention

Mobile Phone Partnership Initiative (MPPI)

Nairobi Declaration

    · Full title: Nairobi Declaration on the Environmentally Sound Management of Electrical    

      and Electronic Waste (2006)

Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE) @ EEC

Sustainable electronics management


     · Green electronics

     · 2017 Guide to Greener Electronics

Sustainable Management of Electronics @ USEPA


E-Trash Transparency Project @ BAN

E-Waste and Child Health Initiative @ WHO

E-Stewards Certification Initiative

     • Seeks to promote environmentally friendly recycling practices in businesses worldwide.

EarthEye @ Basel Action Network (BAN)

R2 Standard

Regional Cooperation on E-Waste Management in Latin-American Countries @ UNIDO

Solving the E-Waste Problem Initiative (StEP)

     • serves as a great nexus to learn more about the StEP initiatives and similar initiatives who partner with StEP

US Congress: H.R. 917

     • A bill to "control the export of electronic waste in order to ensure that such waste does not become the source of counterfeit goods that may reenter military

          and civilian electronics supply chains in the United States, and for other purposes."

Professional associations

International E-Waste Management Netwrk (IEMN)

UN International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC)

     • " with developing countries to implement sustainable solutions to environmental challenges, with focus on holistic waste management."


     • these NGOs are unique in the sense that they are helping their own communities, rather than an NGO from another country stepping in (as E-waste is a

          large issue in developing African nations).

Southern African E-Waste Alliance (SAEWA)

Sustainable Electronics Recycling International (SERI)

Pure Earth E-Waste Recycling in Ghana


Apple   Environment


Electronic waste (e-waste) & sustainable electronics management

Sammy Guttell of Brandeis University developed this page in 2019.

This page focuses on the management of electronics, the final stage of which all too often results in electronic waste—or "e-waste"—that consists of used pieces of electronic equipment that are discarded or recycled in an environmentally damaging manner. Minimizing e-waste is a core component of sustainable management of electronics.