
A web·guide to the glocal environment



Sustainable development+ hub >

Contents below:

     · Population counters, data visualization & information

       · Periodicals

         · Institutions:

              ~ International organizations

              ~ Government agencies

              ~ NGOs

           · Films

             · Pronatalism

               · Antinatalism

Also see: Women & gender

Population counters, data visualization & information

     · Population and demographic information on a country-by-country basis can be found at the

        Country data sources page.  

How the world's population tripled in 70 years @ Al Jezeera

     · Scroll down just a bit for animated chart of growth over time

Just FactsPopulation

     · As of 11/21, this website shows a copyright date of 2018, with data that appears to be outdated

       and/or inaccurate.  

Our World in Data

     · Click on Articles-by-topic > Demographic change for the following information:

Pew Research Center

     · Population projections

     · Population trends

     · Website of Martin De Wulf providing useful visualizations such as this:

World Population @ The World Counts

World Population Clock @ US Census Bureau

World Population Dashboard @ UNFPA

World Population History

World Population Prospects (UNDESA)

World Population Review

     · A very helpful digest of population data, rated as unbiased by Media Bias Fact Check.


     World Population Clock

     Population by country

Visualizing World Birth and Death Rates    


Population journals @ UC Berkeley

Milbank Quarterly


~ International organizations ~

Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD)

     · regional non-governmental organization based in Bangkok, Thailand

     · engages parliamentarians on the linkages between increasing population and development issues

United Nations

     Department of Economic & Social Affairs (UNDESA)

          Population Division

               World Population Prospects

          Population "key issues" page

     Population Fund (UNFPA)

~ Government agencies ~

Federal Institute for Population Research [Germany]

US Agency for International Development (USAID)

     Family Planning and Reproductive Health

     Population, Health, and Environment Toolkit

          · resources for PHE implementation, policy communications, and advocacy

US Census Bureau

     International Programs

~ NGOs ~

     · More region-focused and country-focused institutions can be found at the World geography page and Countries A>Z page.

Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevolkerung [Germany]

     · Focused on empowering global youth, including in reproductive health and sustainability matters

Global Population Speakout

International Institute for Population Sciences

International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP)

     · Established in 1928, the “IUSSP mission is to promote the scientific study of population, encourage

        exchange between researchers around the globe, and stimulate interest in population issues.”

International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)

     Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA)

          Local & state offices

          Planned Parenthood Global (PPFA's international arm)

MSI Reproductive Choices

     · Formerly Marie Stopes International

PAI ~ Population Action International

     · The organization goes by its acronym.

     · The organization was founded in 1965 as the Population Crisis Committee.

     · Promotes universal access to reproductive health and reproductive rights through research, advocacy, and partnerships

Partners in Population and Development (PPD)

     · an intergovernmental organization for promoting south-south cooperation

Population Balance

Population Connection

     · Formerly Zero Population Growth

    · Population Education

          · World of 7 Billion

Population Council

Population Europe

     · network of European demographic research centers

Population Foundation of India

Population Matters

Population Media Center

     · uses entertainment media to promote and normalize smaller families & population limitations

Population Reference Bureau

Population Studies Center @ University of Michigan

Population-Environment Research Network (PERN)


     · Italian group against overpopulation

Rutgers: For Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

     · Dutch organization conducting research and projects in countries like Uganda

Ten Million Club

     · Dutch organization aiming to return population to carrying capacity


One Child Nation



Church of Euthanasia

     · now-defunct religion against procreation and for a massive voluntary population reduction

Voluntary Human Extinction Movement

Population & demography


WPP 2024