
A web·guide to the glocal environment



Sustainable development+ hub >

Contents of this page:

     · General information sources

       · Education & courses

         · Periodicals


     · UN, sustainability & Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

       · Non-UN institutions focused on sustainability & sustainable development

Also see:

     · Sustainable use of biodiversity

General information sources

     · Also see extensive information resources at the UN & SDGs page


     Sustainability for All


     · Wiki regarding the goal of sustainable development



     · Focal sections on:

     · Agro-Forestry, Energy & Extractives, Health, Environment & Resources, Social & Gender,

         Transport & Urban Development

     · “a. The media platform for the global development community. b. The social enterprise working to

     make the $200 billion aid and development industry do more good for more people. c. The largest

     provider of recruiting and business development services for global development."

Earth Platform

     · "...the environmental website that informs you about our natural planet and the emerging threats to our

     world today"

Ecological Design Collective (EDC)

Global Green Economy Index @ Dual Citizen

Green Growth Knowledge Platform

     · "...a global network of experts and organizations dedicated to providing the policy, business, and  

       finance communities with knowledge, guidance, data, and tools to transition to an inclusive green


     · Related websites include:

          · Green Industry Platform

          · Green Finance Platform

impacti: Solutions for sustainability

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Panorama: Solutions for a healthy planet

     · "...a partnership initiative to document and promote examples of inspiring, replicable solutions across

      a range of conservation and sustainable development topics, enabling cross-sectoral learning and

     inspiration. PANORAMA allows practitioners to share and reflect on their experiences, increase

     recognition for successful work, and to learn with their peers how similar challenges have been

     addressed around the globe. Different thematic disciplines and communities contribute to

     PANORAMA. On the web platform, these communities are represented through portals. As

     PANORAMA evolves, we welcome additional themes and new partners."

A Planet for Life

     • French site: "Regards Sur la Terre."

     • "Resources for sustainable development."

Redefining Progress

Sustainability @

Sustainability @ Singapore NLB

Sustainability for All @ acciona

     • acciona is a Spanish corporation.

Sustainability governance [blog]

Sustainable Communities Online

Sustainable development @ IISD

Sustainable Development Index

Transition Studies

Wilder Utopia

World Bank Open Data on Global Development

     · Formerly the eAtlas of Global Development


Education & courses

Digital Learning for Sustainable Development (

Education for Sustainable Development @ UNESCO

SDG Academy


Geography and Sustainability

International Journal of Sustainable Development

International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology

International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning

Mother Pelican: A Journal of Solidarity and Sustainability

Nature Sustainability



Sustainability Science

Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure

Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development Law & Policy

Sustainable Futures

Sustainable Growth the Nordic Way

Sustainable Horizons

World Development

Sustainability & sustainable development ~ General information