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A web·guide to the glocal environment



General information

     · " independent online information service covering technical and business information on

          diesel engines, emissions, fuels, and other technologies required by the clean and efficient diesel

          engines of the future. With a technical focus, DieselNet is addressed to engineers, researchers and

          students working with diesel engines, as well as to diesel engine users who deal with emission

          problems. We would like to focus on practical knowledge and information which would be useful

          for solving real life emission problems."

Global Road Map

     · "An alliance of environmental scientists, geographers, planners, and agricultural specialists who

       want to see better planning for roads."

Transit’s Role in Environmental Sustainability @ USFTA

     · Categorizes environmental benefits of public transportation as improving air quality, reducing

       greenhouse gas emissions, facilitating compact development, conserving land, and decreasing

       travel demand, saving energy, and some further benefits.

Transportation Life Cyle Assessment  

     · Provides an interactive world map the newest transportation and energy use standards for countries

        around the world as well as the latest environmental transportation related global news. 

What is green transportation? @ Conserve Energy Future

News & periodicals


     · "...a news and commentary site that is tracking, analyzing, and breaking news on the transition from fossil-fuel transport to electric transport."

Public Roads

SmartTransport @ FleetNews

Streetsblog USA

Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (TRIP)

Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment  

Climate change

Assessing Low-Carbon Transition (ACT) for Transportation

Institutions ~ Associations

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)

     Committee on Environment & Sustainability

Institutions ~ Government agencies & initiatives


   · See items in  this color 

Institutions ~ Public-private initiatives

Infra Eco Network Europe (IENE)

Partnership for Clean Fuel and Vehicles (PCFV)

     · UN initiative uniting 73 representatives from global industries and governments working to "achieve cleaner air and lower greenhouse

     gas emissions from road transport."

Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transportation (SLoCat)

     · A group of 90 organizations, businesses, and institutions work through this partnership to integrate sustainable transportation into

     new infrastructure. Website includes updates on the latest news in transportation related sustainable development from around the world.

Transport & Environment

     · Full title is “European Federation for Transport and Environment”

Institutions ~ Research initiatives

Center for Sustainability, Tourism and Transport

Global Fuel Economy Initiative

     · Information resource on environmental transportation that nonetheless encourages the use of cars.

          Includes latest news on global fuel efficiency standards. 

Lewis Center and the Institute of Transportation Studies @ (UCLA)

Mobility Lab

Institutions ~ NGOs

International Council on Clean Transportation  

    · Focuses on forming partnerships with governments and agencies to supplement legislation with scientific research and data.

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy

Transport & Environment

Transportation for America

Institutions ~ Private sector

Emissions Analytics

McKinsey Center for Future Mobility

Mobility Impact Partners

Transportation mode ~ Automobiles & electric vehicles

Bluebird Energy Systems

Center for Auto Safety

     Safe Climate Campaign

DARTE Annual On-road CO2 Emissions on a 1-km Grid, Conterminous USA, V2, 1980-2017

Drive Electric campaign

Green cars @ Autoweek

My Electric Car [Australia]




     EPA Automotive Trends Report

Transportation mode ~ Rail

Rail Passengers Association

Transportation mode ~ Bicycling

Frikar podbikes

League of American Bicyclists  

     · Commuting data

     · Group of individuals committed to transforming USA infrastructure to create a more bike-friendly  


     · Website includes health benefits to biking and other alternative forms of transportation.


Transportation mode ~ Shipping



Navigating a Changing Climate Partnership @ Resilience Rising

New Dawn Traders

Shipped by Sail


TOWT - Transport by sail

     · France

     · Transport à la voile (Transoceanic wind transport)

Ruth Wyckoff of Brandeis University developed this page in 2019.

This page contains resources on global food production, management, consumption, and policy,

     including links to a wide range of NGOs, academic periodicals, and government websites.

Contents of this page:

     · Information

         · News & periodicals

           · Climate change

             · Institutions:

                     ~ Associations

                     ~ Government agencies & initiatives

                     ~ Public-private initiatives

                     ~ Research initiatives

                     ~ NGOs

                     ~ Private sector

                · Transportation modes:

                         ~ Automobiles & electric vehicles

                         ~ Rail

                         ~ Bicycling

                         ~ Shipping

Subpages include:

     · Flying page

Also see: Road ecology
