
General information
Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Collection @ Carnegie Museum of Natural History
Current Opinion in Insect Science
Insect Conservation & Diversity
Journal of Insect Conservation
Insect decline (& “apocalypse”)
Decline in insect populations @ Wikipedia
· “...a community-driven project that aims to compile evidence about global insect population and
biodiversity status and trends. Our goal is to assess the current state of evidence in the scientific
literature regarding insect declines, increases, or lack of changes over time.”
Insect apocalypse @ Museum of the Earth
Insect effect @ Florida Museum
Lampyridae (fireflies)
Family Lampyridae @ BugGuide.net
IUCN SSC Firefly Specialist Group
Other taxa-specific information
Arthropoda (invertebrates)
Contents below:
· General information
· Institutions
· Insect decline (& “apocalypse”)
· Other taxa-specific information
· Hymenoptera (bees, wasps, ants, etc.)