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Life & taxa hub > Arthropoda >

Contents below:

     · General information

       · Institutions:

                ~ International organizations

                ~ Government

                ~ Public-private institutions, foundations & networks

                ~ Science, research & education

                ~ NGOs & initiatives  

                ~ Private sector

         · Adoption options

Also see: Lepidoptera @ Arthropoda

General information

· General information on monarchs is also available at many insitutional websites listed below.  

Monarch butterfly @ Wikipedia

Monarch Butterfly Garden [blog]

Learn About Nature

     Monarch butterfly

          · Redirects from

Butterflies & Moths of North America

     Monarch Danaus plexippus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Western Monarch Milkweed Mapper

Institutions ~ International organizations & Initiatives


     Red List

          Monarch butterfly

North American Commission on Environmental Cooperation (CEC)

     Monarch and Pollinator Conservation

          International Monarch Monitoring Blitz

          Monarch Conservation Toolbox

          North American Monarch Conservation Plan

          Trinational Monarch Knowledge Network

Trilateral Committee

     Save the Monarch Butterfly

Tri-National Mayors' Monarch Pledge

     · Established by NWF

     · NWF portal site

     · David Suzuki Foundation page


     Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve

Institutions ~ Government

Government of Mexico

     Reserva de la Biosfera Mariposa Monarca

Government of Canada

     Monarch Butterfly: profile of a species at risk

     Monarch (Danaus plexippus): COSEWIC assessment and status report 2016

US Geological Survey (USGS)

     Monarch Conservation Science Partnership


     Save the Monarch


     Monarch butterfly in North America

Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA)

     Western Monarch Working Group

          Western Monarch Butterfly Conservation Plan: 2019-2069

          Western Monarch Butterfly Crucial Habitat Assessment Tool

Instutions ~ Public-private institutions, foundations & networks

· Note that there are two different entities entitled the "Monarch Butterfly Fund," as well as a third

  entitity entitled the "Monarch Butterfly and Pollinators Conservation Fund."

Monarch Butterfly Fund @ FMCN

     · “...a public-private effort developed in collaboration with federal and state government institutions,

       organizations, and forest landowners to support the conservation of the forests in the core area of

       the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve (RBMM, acronym in Spanish) administered by the National

       Commission of Protected Areas (CONANP, acronym in Spanish).”

Monarch Butterfly Fund

     · “Since our founding in 2009, MBF has supported projects that promote habitat conservation,

       scientific research and monitoring, education and outreach, and sustainable development.”

Monarch Joint Venture (MJV)

National Fish & Wildlife Foundation (NFWF)

     Monarch Butterfly and Pollinators Conservation Fund


Institutions - Science, research & education

Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum (ASDM)

     Migratory Pollinators Program

          Monarch butterflies

Beyond Borders: Humans and monarch butterflies across North America

     · Research initiative of Columba Gonzalez-Duarte


     How much is a butterfly worth?

Journey North

     Monarch butterflies

Monarch Monitoring Project

Monarch Watch

     · Formerly the Insect Migration Association


     · “The North American network of monarch butterfly monitoring programs”

     · “The mission of MonarchNet is to create a central website where everyone can gain access to information

       about monarch monitoring programs, learn how to access the data, and find tools for data visualization to

       learn about monarch dynamics throughout North America. This website serves as a resource for anyone who

       wants to know about monarch populations

National Geographic

     Monarch butterfly

North American Butterfly Monitoring Network

     Monarch-centric programs



University of Minnesota Monarch Lab

Western Monarch Count

     Western Monarch Mystery Challenge

Institutions ~ NGOs & initiatives

Center for Biolgical Diversity (CBD)

     Monarch butterfly

Learning Center at the Euchee Butterfly Farm

Live Monarch Educational Foundation

Monarch Butterfly Habitat Exchange


     Butterfly heroes

     Wildlife conservation

          Monarch butterfly


          Monarch butterfly

Save our Monarchs Foundation


     Monarch butterfly

Xerxes Society

     Monarch conservation

Institutions - Private sector

Euchee Butterfly Farm

Monarch Butterfly Life

Monarch Gardener

Adoption options...

...@ Live Monarch Educational Foundation

...@ Monarch Monitoring Project

...@ Monarch Watch

...@ NWF

...@ Ned Smith Center

...@ WWF

Monarch butterflies

(Danaus plexippus)