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A web·guide to the glocal environment



General information

3 Billion Birds Gone

Acopian BirdSavers

Birding/Wild Birds @

Nutty Birdwatcher

Ornithology Exchange

State of the Birds

Bird identification & data

Backyard Bird Identifier @ NGS

Beginner's Guide to Bird Watching @ HomeAdvisor

Bird Guide @ Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology

Bird Identification @ Bird Watcher's Digest

Birds of the World @ Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology

Guide to North American Birds @ Audubon

Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter

Bird population tracking

Christmas Bird Count @ Audubon


     · An early version of ebird was BirdSource

     · “eBird transforms the global birding community’s passion for birds into a powerful resource for

     research, conservation, and education.”

North American Breeding Bird Survey

Periodicals & blogs

ℹ️ List of ornithology journals @ Wikipedia

10,000 Birds

Ardeola: International Journal of Ornithology


     · Now Ornithology (see link below)

Avian Conservation & Ecology

Bird Conservation International

Bird Observer

Bird Populations

     · Publication suspended

Bird Watcher's Digest


Birding Wire




     · Now Ornithological Applications (see link below)

Ducks Unlimited Email Newsletter

Ducks Unlimited Magazine

Emu - Austral Ornithology


     · Wiley site

Journal of Raptor Research

Living Bird

Ornithological Applications


Spruce, The

     Wild Birds

Waterfowl 2000

     · Various issues & volumes can be downloaded at Google books under a ssearch for "Waterfowl 2000"

     · Individual pages available at Hathi Trust

Audiovisual & photography



Institutions ~ International organizations & initiatives

North American Bird Conservation Initiative (NABCI)

     Canada page

     USA page

     Mexico page

Institutions ~ Professional associations

American Ornithological Society

Association of Avian Veterinarians

Association of Field Ornithologiests (AFO)

Institutions ~ Research-focused NGOs

Bird Ecology Lab @ University of Montana

Bird Studies Canada


Black Swamp Bird Observatory (BSBO)

Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology

     All About Birds

     Birds of the World

Institute for Bird Populations

     · “...founded in 1989 to study the causes of bird population declines.... We collaborate locally,

       nationally, and globally with individuals, government agencies, and NGOs in diverse fields to

       assess the effects of land management actions, climate change, and other ecological stressors

       on bird populations, and prescribe practical solutions. We use cutting-edge science, and publish

       results in peer-reviewed journals.”

Max Planck Institute for Ornithology

Nuttall Ornithological Club

Point Reyes Bird Observatory

Redwood Sciences Laboratory, USDA Forest Service

Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center

Swiss Ornithological Institute

Waterbird Society

Institutions ~ Advocacy-focused NGOs

American Bird Conservancy (ABC)

     · ABC Directory

     · ABC Bird Conservation Initiatives Links

American Birding Association

American Eagle Foundation

Association of Avian Veterinarians (AAV)

Bird Conservation Alliance

BirdLife International

Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS)

Delta Waterfowl

Ducks Unlimited

     USA site

     Canada site

     Mexico site

     Wetland Care (formerly Ducks Unlimited Australia)


          · Ducks Unlimited Email Newsletter

           · Ducks Unlimited Magazine

National Audubon Society

Nature Conservancy Migratory Bird Program

Neotropical Migratory BirdsNature Conservancy
 [USA site]

     Regions "where we work"

     Canada site

Peregrine Fund & World Center for Birds of Prey

Sociedad Española de Ornitología (SEO)

Climate change


     Climate change

National Audubon Society

     Audubon Climate-Based Bird Distribution Models for North America

     Survivial by Degrees: 389 Bird Species on the Brink

          · "Audubon scientists studied 604 North American bird species using 140 million bird records—including

             observational data from bird lovers across the country. We plugged our bird data into the same

             climate models used by more than 800 experts in 80 countries to map where each bird might live in

             the future under a changing climate."

Bird habitat conservation

Globally Important Bird Areas in the United States

Important Bird Areas (IBAs) in the Americas @ Birdlife International

          · Bird Studies Canada

          · Canadian Nature Federation

          · National Audubon Society

          · CONABIO site

Groups & taxa-specifc info


Loon Preservation Committee

Vermont Loon Conservation Project @ Vermont Center for Ecostudies


Global Raptors Impact Network (GRIN)

Hawk Mountain Sanctuary (HMS)

Journal of Raptor Research

Raptors of the Rockies

Raptor View Research Institute


Seabird Ecological Assessment Network (SEANET)

Seabird Maps and Information for Fisheries @ ABC


     · See the Wetlands page for multiple resources on "wetlands & waterfowl"

Trumpeter Swan Society

Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey (WBPHS) [USFWS]


Association for the Conservation of Threatened Parrots (ACTP)

Bar-tailed godwit

Bobolink Project

Yoruk Condor Restoration Program (YCRP)

Hummingbird Central

Pheasants Forever

Purple Martin Conservation Association

Tern & Plover Conservation Partnership

Operation Turtle Dove

US Shorebird Conservation Partnership


Contents below:

     · General information

       · Bird identification & data

         · Bird population tracking

           · Periodicals & blogs

             · Audiovisual & photography

               · Institutions:

                         ~ International

                         ~ Professional associations

                         ~ Research-focused NGOs

                         ~ Advocacy-focused NGOs

                 · Climate change

                   · Bird habitat conservation

                     · Groups & taxa-specific information

                                ~ Loons

                                ~ Raptors

                                ~ Seabirds

                                ~ Waterfowl

                                ~ Miscellaneous

Also see the Migratory birds page (~40% of the world's bird species are migratory)