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All About Bison

American Bison (Buffalo) @ TNC

Bison @ Defenders of Wildlife

Bison: Bring them back @ NWF

Bison Range Restoration

Bison restoration @ American Prairie

Conservation of American bison @ Wikipedia

Protecting bison @ USNPS


American Bison (Bison bison) Fact Sheet: Bibliography & Resources

     @ San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Library


Bison Timeline @ All About Bison

     · Important milestones in elephant conservation from the 1500s to 2016 with accessible links to

     key conventions and issues.

First Nations~Native American bison initiatives

Bison Conservation and Transfer Program @ Yellowstone Forever

Bison Range

     · “The Bison Range, formerly known as the National Bison Range, is an unusual property with

       distinctive qualities and characteristics, including its past and ongoing ties with the Confederated

       Salish and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT, or Tribes). No other federal property is similarly-situated to the

       Bison Range.”

Buffalo Treaty

Iinnii Initiative & Iinii-Buffalo Spirit Center

International Buffalo Relations Institute

Inter Tribal Buffalo Council

Wind River Tribal Buffalo Initiative  


Singing Back the Buffalo


Contents of this page:

     · Information

       · Bibliographies

         · Timelines

           · First Nations~Native American bison initiatives

             · Films

(Bison bison)